Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What you need to know about Restoration Church

1.We are faith-filled, constantly learning, not scared-risk taking BELIEVERS. We’ll never insult God with small thinking or by wanting to just stay comfortable. We will follow the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
2.We are all about the KINGDOM! Praying, investing in missions,other churches and ministries in the U.S.. The local church is the STILL the hope of the world and we know we can accomplish more together than apart.
3.We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers. The church does not exist just for us. We are the church and we are to be Jesus with flesh on.
4.We guar·an·tee an atmosphere of Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness.We refuse to live life offended, critical or judgemental. We operate in an environment of Grace. No need to hide your faults, we all have scars.
5.  You will not be embarressed to invite your friends. We will serve with our best effort and highest quality in areas of music and teaching. We don't thrive to impress, but transform lives.
6.We will lead the way with generosity. We believe it is more blessed to give than to receive. When we love the least, lost and lonely people of our community, we are loving like Jesus.
7.We will laugh hard, Praise Loud and use our God given gifts of creativity. Nothing is more fun than serving God with people you love! We believe it is a sin for church to be boring or sux.
8 .We will be known for what we are for, not what we’re against. There are already enough jerks in the world.
9. We will create a culture of Honor. We search out the good in people and celebrate who they are without tripping over who they are not yet. NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED.
10. We refuse to become a Social or Country club. You don't have to be rich, white or old to be used by God or feel like you fit in.

1 comment:

  1. Great points, I especially think #3 is important. It's about serving and helping others.
