Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Year in Review: Top Spiritual Trends of 2010

The Year in Review: Top Spiritual Trends of 2010

people matter more than money

In our ministry we spend a lot of time thinking about how to navigate through with the financial resources we have and how to even increase said resources to do more ministry. It’s not so difficult to figure out that the level of resources your possess is equivalent to the amount of ministry you can do. It just is what it is, like any business really.

YET, People resources are THE MOST IMPORTANT. And I am constantly hoping that I am a blessing to people and never treat anyone as someone to be used for a purpose. However, I do believe every person does have talents and giftings and it kills me when they don’t put them into action.

I love my beautiful family, I am so blessed.

I am thankful for the people who are in my life, all of them. Every single person is there for a reason. I have made some great friendships this last year.

I do not have all of the answers. I am thankful for this one for many reasons. One of the main ones is that I am typically VERY self reliant and I have learned that with what we are doing, it simply isn’t an option to rely only on my strength, I’m learning.

I enjoy learning new things. A LOT!

The greatest blessings I’ve received this year are from unexpected places.

Much of what I assumed, was wrong, for the most part.


If you truly love people and give of yourself, people notice.

Never take a friendship for granted or any relationship for that matter.

People matter more than stuff, or ideas, or even plans. It’s always about people.

To do what you want to do it’s going to take a lot more money than you thought.

It’s not only OK to take time away for yourself, it’s imperative. Someone is going to set your schedule, it might as well be you.

Actions always prove personal values.

The number of hurting people in our community is astounding. I’m not trying to be naive, but I’m not kidding. This is unique because in our community it’s not the “thing” to be hurting or need help. So, it is VERY difficult to discover these needs.

What Seth Godin said in his book Tribes about people is true to the nth degree in our community, and then some.

Lastly, when you follow after Jesus, most people won’t understand and some people will get upset.

Invest in people..Pour urself into people..Money and everything money can buy will rot .. But...People r Eternal...Love People!Leaders set people up for success while taking responsibility for their failures!Blessing comes from trusting God's ability, not my own.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I learned from my pastor Rudet Adkinson

Last week Restoration had the privilege of hearing from my pastor ( from age 11 to18)  Rudet Adkinson. I wanted to reflect on a few things he has taught me about ministry and life from just observing him.

1. Almost everything I learned from Rudet was by his Example. Almost like osmosis, you absorb traits of Godly wise people into your life by just being near them. Seldom do mentors sit you down and lecture you instruction by instruction what to do in a situation. Old School say "watch and learn" . Rick Warren says, " if your not leading by example, you're not leading.

2. The way you earn peoples trust is with integrity over a long period of time. Anyone can be wowed for a few months by someone talents or charisma, but they will finally see the real you. You better be REAL. Without other's trust you aren't a leader.

3. The way you manage God's money shows your character. He lived sound financial principles in his personal life and in bled over into his professional life. Show me a pastor who is failing and out of control in his personal life and I'll show you a church that is about to be in big trouble.

4. He raised us to be Biblically sound, use common sense. Never be ashamed of your Pentecostal heritage, but you don't have to participate in every fad or be Charismatic crazy to prove to others you love the Lord.
Even thru the crazy 80s, he wasn't afraid to shy away from the weird stuff and the weird ones. ( every pentecostal church had their share of weird ones.)

5. His reputation was as great outside the church walls, as inside. Of course the people that go to a particular pastors church is going to think well of him , or he needs to hit the road jack.asap.  Rudet was respected by everyone who came in contact with him , either the lighthouse christian bookstore or his home building contractor company. 95% of the people you meet will never set a foot inside the door of your church, but everyone who meets you forms an opinion about your church off of how you act and behave.

6. Don't be a one man show. Rudet never desired to be the center of attention.  I never remember seeing his name on any signs or even newspaper ads. He strived to be a good preacher in a great church, rather that a great preacher in a so so church. Preaching alone doesn't grow a church. God's presence along with a pure purpose does.

7. If you were around Rudet he wanted to be like him. A mans man. athletic, hard worker. Even in ministry, I recall over 7 young people being called into ministry, within a two years, and following in his footsteps. We had at times 6 students training for ministry at Southeastern college. ( the same college he attended in the 50s?) What church do you know of today that can match those numbers?

8. You knew that he loved you and your family. In a day of self serving pastors climbing the political ladder, He was called to a city. Even 20 years later after his last full time position, he is admired by those he served, I doubt many will remember any of his sermons, but they know they were loved and always a priority in his and Sis. Betty's life.


A few weeks ago I wrote about " What was the one thing you wanted people to think about your church?"  This week my wish was granted. We got a call from a dear elderly ladies family that I've known her and her family almost 20 years. Her name is Fannie Lou Hickman. ( her name rocks! oldschool) Fannie lou has attended Restoration church a few times with her family, but remains faithful to the church her late husband attended for years.
     Fannie lou is in her golden years (late 70s) with decreasing health and let us know thru the family that she wished for me to participate in the ceremony after the Lord calls her home. HUGE HONOR! Plus I really like fannie lou.( I can't even say her name without smiling) She is a card!
  The one thing she wanted us to know, was that we were the SAME every time we saw her. That we greeted her with joyfull kindness each time we would cross each others path, EVEN AFTER it was clear that she would still be attending her old church  ( that was more her style) and not get our feelings hurt and that she loved us and prays for us.
   Too often I've heard horror stories of Christians who would leave thier present church in their city to follow Gods leading (to another church) and find staff pastors and congregation (of their old church) treat them like outcast and black sheeps. This has been a pet peeve since long before I became involved in ministry. I saw my family experience this several times thru my life, and it shaped my perspective on "what have you done for me lately pastors."  It was as though the people where instructed verbally or by example to discontinue relationships with friends and even family members if they chose to no longer attend the church of "the annointed one."
  The last time I checked the Bible says the sheep are His and He calls under-sheperds to keep eye on his flock (protect not rule over) and care for and feed. What a honor and obligation! The Bible says we as sheperds will be held accountable for the way we treat his sheep. (oh boy! that is going to be an interesting day. BCS tickets won't hold a candle to that day.)
   Do people ever leave Restoration church? Absolutely, sometimes I've wanted to leave for "greener pastures" where all I have to do is eat and someone else takes care of the Ranch. lol. We are a 3 year old church and sometimes it shows.  Its okay to act your age and be who you are. We don't have it all together ( all the time). But are best days are ahead!
    We know we are not the best fit for everyone, but we bless and still love those who may be fed for a time, be restored and healed and eventually leave.  We don't always understand or get the full story and yes it hurts and Nicole and I take it personal at times. BUTT, We still go out to eat and play golf with our friends that leave Restoration because we know its about the Kingdom, not our kingdom. In the end my #1 desire for people to know and believe about Restoration Church ,( its staff and its people.) Is that we are real, the same each time you see us, and won't treat you like trash if you ever decide to go to another church. We will even welcome you back without treating you like a r-d  h--d-d  st-p ch-ld.. lol

Are you a happy person? Study show: friends from church is the answer

According to the findings on religion and life satisfaction, 33% of people who attend religious services every week and have three to five close friends in their congregation report being "extremely satisfied" with their lives. The study also finds that 15% of weekly church attendees said they had no close friends at church, and people who say they participate in private religious practices, such as services held at home, were no happier than those who never attend congregational services.

Attending religious services regularly and having close friends in the congregation are key to having a happier, more satisfying life, a study finds.

Even attending services irregularly — just several times a year — increases a sense of well-being, so long as there is a circle of friendships within the community and a strong, shared religious identity.That's the key finding of a study released today in the December issue of the American Sociological Review.
    Attending religious services regularly and having close friends in the congregation are key to having a happier, more satisfying life, a study finds.Even attending services irregularly — just several times a year — increases a sense of well-being, so long as there is a circle of friendships within the community and a strong, shared religious identity.
That's the key finding of a study released today in the December issue of the American Sociological Review.

Study: Happiness is Having Friends at Church

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the most important quality of a leader/pastor/spouse?

Over the years I have met some incredible leaders. I've had the privilege of working with and under some great men of God and have a father that is one of the best "common sense" small business owners. I also have a canny ability to "point out" up and coming leaders years before they get the big opportunity thats proves they are gifted to lead people or an organization or church.
  When I was around 12 yrs. old a famous televangelist stumbled and had a very public failure. I would have never guessed how much his failure in the area of leadership, would have on my life, training and church ministry. It led me to question "How does God choose who He uses?" and " How could He allow men in mighty positions (that represent Him) to lead others astray?"
    I have had a saying for some time that for every leader that has a major scandal on a national level , that every small town and city also has leaders that are just as guilty of doing the same thing. I have seen many smaller churches and business on the local level that experienced the same scandal of mistrust and misleading that we hear echoed in papers of the evils of wall street. Until I became an adult and saw first hand how a self serving leader can destroy a business or church that others have poured their hearts and soul's into, I never understood the value of pure hearted leaders.
   It has led me to ask " what is the most important quality of a leader, pastor or even a spouse?" After reseacrching this I ran across this quote that sums it up.

Rick Warren -

Leadership is a relationship.Without other's trust u arent a leader.The fastest way to earn people's trust is trust THEM.

I agree its not talents, gifting, or even experience. If people don't trust you "in their gut" you are not a leader.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

leadership quotes

The growth & development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” Harvey Firestone, Founder of Firestone
A strong ego is a asset in campaigning but a liability after being elected. To LEAD you must leave your ego at the door.

Rick Warren-The faster one achieves success or fame, the more narcissistic they'll tend to be. Slow &steady builds character over yrs.

Obviously, you need an ego to run for President--but to lead, one must leave ego & know it's not about you!" -Pres. Bush

Never underestimate the power of your words to change people, change circumstances, change history.

When God’s work is done in God’s way for God’s glory, it will never lack God’s supply. Hudson Taylor

A working definition of real leadership I carry with me--Humble expression of courage that compels people to action.

The challenge when leaders get 'bigger than the game'.

perrynoble -Until the church is willing to embrace the "uncomfortable" they will fail to see the supernatural!!!
Ron Edmondson -Sometimes I want to take off the nice guy/grace-loving/pastor hat & slap somebody... #JustBeingHonest . thought i would end with a funny one.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

shopping tips

Going shopping black Friday? 1 Peter 1:13 says 'think clearly and exercise self-control.' Some people don't understand that God expects us to do this for ourselves. Typical family has over $8000 in debt on credit cards. Consider paying off a debt as a gift to each other.

marks shopping tips#1-It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbors newspaper, that's the best time to do it. just sayin

shopping tip #2 -How to have a better shopping day: "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19 (NLT) or at least don't get behind the lady with coupons.

shopping tip #3- remember when swapping gifts with the cheap side of the family. Most stress is caused by three things; family, money and family with no money.

shopping tip #4- remember the shoppers verse - I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Lk 16:9

shopping tip #5- why buy the thanksgiving sales paper, when you can borrow one from the waffle house. Coffee and the paper for under a buck. Now thats thinkin. Don't tell no one but my mom does this every day.

shopping tip #6- tell paw paw to really splurge on maw maw this year. heck remind him it may be his last christmas. He want even have to worry about paying for it. charge it.look how happy this couple looks. "Don't tell the grandkids but they get to pay for the meds and the cruise to alaska to see where Sarah Palin lives."

Shopping tip#7 - eat the free breakfast at SAMs club. Black friday 5 am Don't have a members card? just tell them "my spouse walked in earlier while I was parking the car "

Shopping tip #8- wait till 6pm Friday after auburn beats bama. All the bama gear will be drastically reduced. Just heard they will do a special issue " the best 3 loss football team in history" Daniel Moore painting , tshirt , cartag

Whatever you recognize you become THANKFUL for and whatever you are THANKFUL for will increase! Happy Thanksgiving! Selfish people are rarely truly thankful. Truly thankful people are rarely selfish.U will be enriched in every way.. so be generous on every occasion & thur us your generosity will result in thanksgiving God. 2Cor 9:11.Genuine gratitude is a sure sign of spiritual maturity.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is the 1 thing I desire for people to know about Restoration Church?

For the last few weeks, I've been pondering a simple question. What is the 1 thing i desire for people, who visit our church, to leave knowing?  We all wish they would leave their first visit knowing who we are, what we believe and why we love Jesus.  But like most children, we only process one over feeling about a place we are exposed to. When we pick up our kids from church or school for the first time we ask them the same questions. ( did you have fun, what did your learn)
   I believe it is the same with first time guest to our churches, they leave with one feeling and a decision already made about our churches, ( before the service is over, usually within the first 7 minutes) did they enjoy it and will they come back. The first question we must ask ourselves is "what is unique about our individual church"?
 While we have the same commandments and vision the The church, I know each church has a unique God given vision, gifting and motivations. Being a 3 yr. old small church we know that Restoration isn't the only church in town. duh! We also don't believe we are the best church in town for every person. We are really good at a few things but don't pretend to have the "best of everything" nor should we be expected to. Thus we believe and support all churches in our area and The Kingdom. We celebrate each unique differences and common purposes.
    We are blessed to have been entrusted by God with each individual or family that walks thru our doors and consider each person a gift.  It may surprise some to hear, but usually after talking with someone about their past church attendance and preferred music or worship styles, I usually know if restoration church is going to be a good fit for them.  For a large percentage of people "looking for a church home" we are a good fit and they stay and often I recommend them to try several other churches that better fit their past history and preference. So back to the question.
  All Christian churches hope every visitor leaves our service (after their first visit) knowing we love Jesus, we love people , we love our community. Funny thing is even the " snake handling" churches can live by the motto: we love Jesus and we can prove it. For the rest of us "non-snake" churches we hope we have some unique differences that separate us from other
But what is the one unique thing we want them to know about our church, people, staff or pastor? I have little desire for people to leave our service thinking we have the best facility, best transportation, best programs, best music or funniest preacher or most eloquent communicator. Probably not gonna be true in more than one of those areas. My desire is that everyone who comes in contact with Restoration church will believe that we are real. While we want be able to share how our bi vocational staff sacrifices or how they are among the biggest financial givers per income. Many will never realize what they do without in order for us to be financial sound and save money. In an age when mega churches and their leaders have little financial self control or integrity. Restoration church has been able to save several months income toward our operation and opportunity fund. While many churches (even some with famous pastors) are struggling we have been blessed with financial increase.  This is just one but measurable ways we can prove to the world and ourselves that we do ministry out of pure hearts and motivation. Authenticity is a major factor for the success we have experienced.

Monday, November 15, 2010

what churches can learn from Shoneys

My favorite place to eat growing up was Shoneys. Favorite dish- the "breakfast bar".  We must have ate their 3 nights a week. My family learned to follow the model other church going families set by "not supporting establishments that served alcohol."  I can still remember the first time I met Nicole ( we must have been around 12) after a "sangin" at Shoneys. Unfortunately we lost our Shoneys at least 15 years ago.
    The only place were Shoneys still thrives may be Gatlinburg, TN. area.  Pigeon Forge has 4 within about 10 miles. Why you ask? Because Gatlinburg is where all the" buffet eatin white folks" go for theirr winter vacations. Right? This past week Nicole ate at Shoneys in Montgomery and Columbus 2 consecutive nights. Here is what i noticed and what the church can learn from it.

1. Learn to update and reinvent yourself
Shoneys had a great product lineup and friendly service 20 years ago. Now your likely to get a less than par product from a menu that hasn't changed and a server no longer fits the "family friendly" image. Cracker Barrel has a better and more consistent product and brand recognition. Most Shoneys haven't remodeled their buildings in the last 20 years. Even McDonald's are starting to get more stylish.
Many churches were cutting edge 20 years ago but fell in love with their style and refuse to change or update. Other churches have come along with a better and more relevant style.

One of the reasons churches see decline is they love their model more than the unchurched and unsaved- @AndyStanley

2. Learn the Mall life cycle
Most malls have a life cycle of 20 years until the city moves and updates in a different area. Every major town has the "old mall" that struggles , becomes unsafe and eventually closes down and then gets tore down.
While relocating is expensive, we shouldn't plan to be on the same church campus for 100 plus years. Even Atlanta first Baptist finally moved out of downtown to the growing part of town. Neighborhood churches that were built during the 60-70 are now struggling to survive while the area around the church declines in value and attraction.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

pastor will no longer be giving political opinions

pastor will no longer be giving political opinions

As we get older (40 plus) for some reason we tend to start worrying about things we could have cared less about 20 years ago. Politics and weather are the big two, old men spend hours on. I try to be well informed and educated on current and cultural events, if college footbal ( the real important stuff) is not in season. So the last few weeks with the hot news being the gulf oil and undocumented workers I started listening to what others had to say. Mostly rush, hannity, fox, rick and bubba, weather channel. While they do share my conservative viewpoints, some are very haught know it all characters. I guess who you listen to rubs off, like my mama always said.

Well, i started obsessing about current events and the way our country ( that i Love) is headed.Mostly the hopeless financial future we could be headed into. By that I mean i think it will get worse for families and our country. Both are spending more than they make. not a good combo, and payup time usually comes one day.

I would like to think my ideas and opinions line up the Bible. I completely understand and respect the fact, that others could care less what the Bible says and don't want it shoved down their" facebook throats." ( i just made that up) I really don't know what Jesus would do or think about the oil or terroist or unsecured borders? I do think how America responds to the oil, muslims and yes undocumented workers will prove to be the 3 biggest issues that will determine the future for U.S. and its safety and financial health.

While my opinions may be well informed and biblical based i also respect the thoughts of others and believe their views should be heard. These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own. g.k. chesterton

So to keep my stress level down in my life ( which stays on the fringe of a meltdown like 9 out of 10 , even though i have a great life, wife, child, church, job even when things are going right) I am fasting from news reports ( its hard its everywhere , at the top of every hour) If i try to think about things i will blow my top and i'm already on blood pressure

It was brought to my attention that i have been cranky, sour puss, negative, critical, opinionated, harsh fill in the blank. So to protect the reputation of Christ and his church I am learning to no longer care about things out of my control and give it to God.

3 things i will no longer give a squirrels tail about? 1. the oil 2. the fiancial future of America 3. the undocumented workers. 4. the financial future on anyone outside of my family and those of our local church.
I will expect the government to do exactly the opposite of what my opinions on a subject are. Yes if i was prez. i feel like i could bring some commen sense leadership to the table and bring solutions that would get the country debt free and americans better lives. The only problem is that we will never elect a person to do what needs to be done. Because its better to be liked than do what is right. Sorry to anyone i offended. mark

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

top 10 signs of a dying church

The Top Ten Signs Of...

Posted: Sunday, April 4, 2010

10. There’s plenty of parking near the building for weekend services.

9. You can always get your favorite seat, or simply ask who is sitting in it to move.

8. The music is always familiar, and never too loud.

7. The pastor has been in everyone’s home, and knows everybody’s name.

6. You are never asked for money.

5. Phrases like, “We’ve never done it that way before,” “I’m not being faithless, just realistic,” “Why pray? God’s gonna do what God’s gonna do,” “If God wants His church to grow it will grow – we don’t have to do anything,” and “They really should do something about that” are common refrains.

4. You can be confident that whatever change there is will be incremental, insignificant, and will only happen with your direct input and approval.

3. There aren’t any of those left-leaning, evolution-believing, gay-marriage supporting, Harry Potter reading pagans daring to attend; just the pro-family, Christian-radio listening, fish-sticker wearing, big-Bible carrying types.

2. The Bible is seldom taught in ways that are uncomfortable or challenging.

1. It is always about you – getting fed, getting ministered to, with services evaluated by what you get out of it.

Yep, there you have it. The top ten signs of

...a dying church.

James Emery White

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Carpetbaggers and Wizard of Oz Pastoring?

Remember Dorthy and her friends in front of the Wizard of Oz?  After retrieving the witches broom they return to the wizard ( after doing what he said)  only to be told to come back tomorrow. If you were really great and powerful , you would keep your promises. Dorothy.  Wizard "  Do you presume to criticize the great oz , consider your self lucky. "  Then the curtain is unveiled  much to the horror of Oz. Only to reveal a pudgy ole man. I think this may be happening in churches across America today. 
 I never would have dream 20 years ago when i was called into ministry that churches one day would be pastored by never present "on screen only" preachers. I don't doubt that it works for some and can solve a few problems. I just don't know if it biblical or not. This phenomenon of on screen preaching came about in the 1990s ( probably by Seacoast church , Charleston south Carolina) when they went multi site, not by choice but unable to build the mega church structure needed. Due to code restrictions. Multi site churches is the equivalent to franchising  a successful food or clothing store. There may be more than several hundred multi site churches in u.s. alone. and they are all the rage.
         I do think its easier to plant a church out of an already established well ran , well financed church with excess leadership waiting in the wings. Versus planting a church with a non existent core group and  asking a family to start a church out of nothing with no help or finances. If  it works so well why don't we just franchise the top church in an area than multiply it across town as needed to help with seating. I've listened to Andy Stanley give the best explanation why it works for them. But as with any good idea, someone is going to copy and apply to there situation for the wrong reason or motive. 
    First lets consider this, the most popular famous American pastors are not only the ones with the biggest churches but they also have the richest congregations by design. They were all planted in the richest of areas in an urban area.(saddle back, north point, willow creek)  So who ever collects the most money can get popular the easiest. I do realize the ability to raise funds is highly sought and praised in ministry today. If you don't think so just search for finance raising conferences that abound.
 So  here my question, could it be ego that makes one thinks that only his voice and image will lift a church plant to success.  How can we preach discipleship and mentoring if we only think a select few posses the ability to preach. Yes you can have a campus pastor do the duties of ministry, but do the people really treat him as anything more than a support staff person and not "the man". If he does posses the gift of teaching, how long will you refrain from helping nurture that gift and keep his ministry in a stalemate. Its comes down to control issues for a pastor to always be in charge of the money and vision. and that's okay , just say it.
  Like the Wizard of Oz, its easier to honor and respect someone you will never know or meet. Its easier to thinks the best of a pastors wife who you will never meet or get upset with or even disappointed in. You can keep them on a pedestal longer if there is no chance of meeting them. That's why some personalities and families( say a wife that does not share in the calling for the ministry) are better suited for evangelist ministry. I believe the Shepard style pastoring found in the Bible would have today's pastors being a part of the lives of those he does life with. That means attending funerals, births, ballgames, birthday parties and graduations of those we serve.
During the civil war, we had what you know as carpet baggers-One who comes to a place or organization with which they have no previous connection with the sole or primary aim of personal gain, especially political or financial gain; one who carpetbags.Many churches and denominations open us the census and find the fastest and wealthiest growing areas and plant churches there like you would market a McDonald's ( regardless of a personal calling to that area). I never would have imaged that we would invite people to a church where the pastor doesn't even attend. It's like you're saying " i love your city, I'm just too good to live there. Sounds like the politicians who want to run public education but their kids are too good to attend there. I don't disrespect this form of church planting , i just don't know if its the best long term solution for the great commission. A Shepherd knows well the condition of the flock and how can you do that if you live in another city or state? I do know that men who take advantage of others will go to extreme measures to do so  and only the people can save themselves from being taken advantage of or mistreated. I see the issue of trust being taken to" far unhealthy measures "by some who only seek personal fame.

The Wizard of Oz: Pay No Attention

could the church do a better job of raising up men?

For far too long the American culture has allowed men to look at church as an unmasciline place to hang around. Church is seen as a place for moms, kids and elderly to hang out and be committed to. I believe the church is partly to blame. We have not encouraged men to model what is means to be a man in the household are to take an active role in the local church. Wanted to give some tips( some tongue and cheek) on how the church can improve in the raising up men.

1. Ditch some of the traditions that hurt the males role in church. I think the days of expecting or making priest or pastors to remain single and celibate needs to come to an end. It doesn't work and the scandals prove it. I would never send my son to a church where a denomination has a history of perversion toward children. nuff said.

2. Would get rid of the preachers in robes and altar boys caring candles. Is there a less masculine thing in culture today. My mother would not have been able to whoop me enough to wear a white rob and carry a candle on a stick and light candles in front of everyone. The boys that have to do this at traditional churches hate it. stop it. men wear suits. Your robe doesn't make you look smarter nor does it hide the fact that your sermons are boring and irrelevant. Robes should only be worn for formal weddings or by a judge.

3. Get the feminine men off the organ and choir. The church has too long promoted the clay aiken types for their musical ability. You can be good at playing an instrument and singing without being sissy. i.e. george strait. Southern Gospel music was ruined by feminine men. They would not confront the issue and the industry is dying as a result. Let our men worship leaders model what it means to worship without having to act like a woman.

4. Pastors must model what it is to be a man. Never had a problem here. Grew up playing football, baseball and wrestling in high school and college. Not a fan of soccer, sorry. I ride a Harley. Never got my nails and toes done, nor had my eyebrows done at the mall.

This note is written to be light hearted and comical. Yet I do realize many families deal with boys that struggle with their sexuality and identity. They are not born that way, but rather a product of an environment. But thank God they can be born again and defeat the sinful nature we are all born into. There is no sin that Christ can not help you overcome. Would say that most men who struggle with their identity or go "American league" do so as a result of being molested as children ( and that makes me furious against the sickos that do that to a child, personally think they should all be hung up) or no male presence in their life. PS. don't get your son a cat. dogs only.

Monday, June 14, 2010

high cost of wrong people in your life

if a parent can influnence your choice of friends from age 12 - 16 they can protect your future as an adult. if I can instruct you to avoid certain types of people during your dating years I can predict your rate of divorce or marriage longevity.

The harder it is to make you offended & the easier it is to make you content...the happier you'll be.

5-7The Call of Abram
1 The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.
2 "I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."

4 So Abram left, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him.

genesis 13:5-7 Lot, who was traveling with Abram, was also rich in sheep and cattle and tents. But the land couldn't support both of them; they had too many possessions. They couldn't both live there—quarrels broke out between Abram's shepherds and Lot's shepherds. 8-9 Abram said to Lot, "Let's not have fighting between us, between your shepherds and my shepherds. After all, we're family. Look around. Isn't there plenty of land out there? Let's separate. If you go left, I'll go right; if you go right, I'll go left."

10-11 Lot looked. He saw the whole plain of the Jordan spread out, well watered (this was before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah), like God's garden,

lot was selfish and chose he best part.

people are never loyal for what you did for them in the past, only what they believe you can do for them in the future. if you want to know the value of a relationship - take money out of the equation. prodigal son - give me what is mine.

question: why should we learn to evaluate relationships?

samson allowed one wrong relationship to ruin his annointing.

ever seen a boy crazy 13 yr old girl. facebook. whole self worth wrapped up in who she dates. values her boyfriends opinions over her parents. gets used abused and thrown out.

answer:when you protect our hearts, we protect our future.. leave some reserve. leave room of commitment, love , intimacy body.

who are wrong people?

1. those who birth doubt in your life. they destroy your dreams , hopes for a better life. intimidate you. 10 spies killed the vision of the people for 40 yrs

GREAT people make others feel great. Small people make others feel small

if you fail it will be due to someone you allowed to speak into your life.

your future is decided by who you choose to believe. choose someone good.

2. people of rebellion- those running from God, out of the will of God jonah was a run away preacher. about sink the whole ship. there life is chaotic, those bitter, angry, jealous, envious, the storm inside will multiply and explode outward. its never there fault.

how will you recognize them- unhappy , no joy, gossip, strife,

those that sin with you will eventually sin against you. when you agree with a rebel you will reap the same consequences.

3. someone who refuses to stay under authority.

we are all under some ones authority. those that constantly grumble against bosses, opiniated you can't help someone who thinks they know more than you. jezebel - married to a king, had nabeth killed so her husband could have his vineyard.

4. those bitter against a man of God. not a fan of preachers , love pastors. preach love preaching, pastors love people. bible school 10 % bologna chris hodges says 50% pastors shouldn't bein ministry due to wrong motives, umhealthy family life, unhealthy marriage, personal sin. many families that i love have almost been destroyed not by preachers. most pastors are 90 % good , have to beat down that 10% flesh.

start of our church some ran complaining against other pastors and other churches. good men and churches. don't know if i can make them happy. not 1 of them stayed. some people sheep some goats. some people are ungovernable.

parents: the greatest way to insure your kids will not remain in church when they get older is to critisize churches, leaders openly. seen husband drop out, kids get disinterested. the preacher you crucify today may be the only person God is using to reach your kids or husband.

have never had to ask someone to leave, have asked God to remove rebellious personalities to protect this house.

bible says go to that person if you someone has done you wrong. if they don't give a rip seen those , move on. protect your family.

4. those bitter against a man of God.some people can't learn from a mentor they can only learn from pain. somebody needs to help them but not you. women have a hard time accepting this.People respond to responsibility. But if you treat them as babies you'll have to diaper them the rest of your life.

5.people who don't take advice or seek help.
for every wrong person that leaves your life , God will send multiple good people to bless you.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them. rick warren

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. The bible said that, "They came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us." [1 John 2:19]

Rick's comments on Obama Proclaiming June 'Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Tran...

Rick's comments on Obama Proclaiming June 'Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Tran...

Monday, May 24, 2010

How to be set free from bondage

3 phases of bondage:

(Romans 7:15, 18 LB) “I don’t understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I can’t. I do what I don’t want to—what I hate. No matter which way I turn I can’t make myself do right. I want to but I can’t.”

(Romans 7:21 LB) “It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.”

3. Discouragement.
(Romans 7:24 Ph) “It is an agonizing situation. Who can set me free from the prison of this mortal body?”

how to be set free:

(Romans 7:25 NLT) “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”

1. Admit you have a weakness.

everybody has a weakness. all have sinned. you will never correct what you are unwilling to confront.
what you refuse to master today, will master you tomorrow.

(1 John 1:8 LB) “If we say that we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves, and refusing to accept the truth.”

2. Believe that Jesus can set me free.

(John 8:32 NIV) “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
your weakness must be destroyed, not tolerated or enjoyed occassionally.
the enemy has assigned someone to strengthen your weakness. delilah was sent by satan to destroy samson.
(Ephesians 1:19-20 LB) “I pray that you’ll begin to understand how incredibly great His power is to help those who believe Him. It’s the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.”

3. decide your destination.

your habits are vehicles taking you to a desirable or undesirable future. your weakness has cousins. david adultry lead to murder.

spiritual survey:

A – I’m already a Christian and i have no baggage.
B – I’m believing today and giving my baggage to him.
C – I don’t ever intend to accept christ or lay down my baggage.
“Dear God, I’m ready for a change. I don’t want to stay the same. I need a fresh start with You. Today I open my life to knowing You. Forgive me for living my life my way. Today I invite Jesus to be the Lord of my life. Jesus I want to know You. I put my faith in You. Give me the power to change. In Your Name I pray. Amen.”

Sunday, May 16, 2010

learning to trust God with your future

our greatest life skills is not making money, making friends, its learning to apply Gods word to our life so we can manage our lives with His help.

Stress can contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes, and make you more likely to catch less serious illnesses like colds. It can also contribute to alcoholism, obesity, drug addiction, cigarette use, depression, and other harmful behaviors.
One fourth of all the drugs prescribed in the United States go to the treatment of stress. theme verse
Matthew 11:28 (New International Version)

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (The Message)

28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

2 corinthians 7:5
For when we came into Macedonia, this body of ours had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn—conflicts on the outside, fears within.

1. remember the faithfullness of God

when you get involved with the house of god, god gets involved in your houseWhen you get involved with God’s dream, he will get involved with your dream.

2.learn to encourage yourself.

(1 Samuel 30:6 KJV) David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.

3. learn to manage each day.

When you can manage a day, you can manage your life.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
Mike Murdock
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine

Failure to prepare for your future , is preparing to fail. get a life mentor

not all stress is bad stress. eustress-Some other situations where in you may experience eustress are accomplishing a challenge, joy experienced on a roller-coaster ride, happiness felt on the birth of a baby, excitement while getting wed, buying a new car

Does God care about my finances?

3 things that get peoples blood pressure up in church; what we wear, sing, money
bad teaching poor, rich my history seen people that loved god,strong convictions . made horrible decisions is one area.
75% of christians live paycheck to paycheck.
average american has 16.7 credit cards per person almost 40 per married couple

average 28 yr old has $66 k in consumer debt. does not include house
more people filed for bancruptcy than graduated from college this past year.

Proverbs 29:18 (New Century Version)
read aloud

18 Where there is no word from God, people are uncontrolled,
but those who obey what they have been taught are happy.

people act like God has no feelings concerning our money, so we live like we want to , but those who do what God instructs us to do are happy.

how did we get in this mess?

1.discontentment-Ecclesiastes 5:10
[ The Folly of Riches ] He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. even though we have lots not happy , world lives on average $2 a day.

we reap what we sow and we are a wasteful generation. debt is the proof you want what you have not earned. i want it

props $120 tshirts $400 sunglasses $600 purses $500 golf club $ 375 pair of golf shoes at outlet 30 pair of shoes.subprime loan those that could not afford it.

1 Timothy 6:7-9 (New International Version)
7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

2. dishonesty-businesses fudge numbers -enron, healthsouth. biggest problem between spouses

Proverbs 20:23 (New International Version)

23 The LORD detests differing weights,
and dishonest scales do not please him.

don't do biz with someone would doesn't tithe, if they will steal from God who sees everything what do you think they will do to you

3. disorganized- messey house . 60% of all office work in america is retrieving data.

Proverbs 24:3 (Amplified Bible)
3Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],

couple went thru 3 million , when did you notice it was running out 6 months till it was gone.

4. dissconnection- pride , shame - doing it without the help of man or God. asked couple called parents not one time did he ask for advice, help 100,000 ruined relationship.

GAMBLING HATE WHAT IT DOES read blog.2 sins never been tempted with . kiss throw toliet down drain. why would you play those odds. why so many are for it.

25% of americans plan to get out of debt by winning the lottery

haggai 1: 5 This is what the Lord All-Powerful says: "Think about what you have done.6 You have planted much, but you harvest little. You eat, but you do not become full. You drink, but you are still thirsty. You put on clothes, but you are not warm enough. You earn money, but then you lose it all as if you had put it into a purse full of holes.""Because you all work hard for your own houses while my house is still in ruins!

your obedance concerning money effects every area of life -- kids act a fool, marriage, work security

reactive curse - i can't bless and protect you to my fullest ability. test me is this.

how to get out of a financial mess?

1. change the way you think- act-- bad thinking-

1. need just alittle more 2. it will all just work out somehow 3. my stuff belongs to me

Romans 12:2 (Contemporary English Version)
2Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.

2. get a vision for the future - hab. write it down big--

Successful people make the right decisions early & manage those decisions daily. -Theme of my book Today Matters

90%of americans have no budget

Proverbs 21:20 (Contemporary English Version)
20Be sensible and store up precious treasures-- don't waste them like a fool

proverbs 21:5 New Living Translation

5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

4. practice the law of seed- time- harvest genesis 822As long as the earth remains,

there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat; winter and summer, day and night

God loves people who love to give. 8God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others.

does God care about your job?

God"s desire is that your time at work will be purposeful and meaningful. 40% of our life is spent at work- thats150,000 hrs of our lives. Mondays arethe biggest day for heart attacks and suicides . No wonder 45% are dissatisfied with their job.

Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 (New Living Translation)24 So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. 25 For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from him? many try to find satisfaction and purpose from work separate from God

5 top stressors concerning work and Gods solutions:
1. I don't know what to do with my life
Gods solution: Ask God what He wants you to do
James 1:5 (New Living)
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking

2. Sometimes I feel like a failure when I don't succeed.
Gods solution: my self worth comes only from God

3. I hate my job situation.

(Ecclesiastes 2:17) “So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me.

How do you get a job promotion? become over qualified for your present position

Gods solution: serve people like you are serving Jesus

4. I work too much. I'm just burnt out.

Gods solution: keep a Sabbath

5. I don't feel like my job matters.

(Colossians 3:23-24) “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Gods solution: Consider your vocation your ministry location.

Maybe you would be honest about needing Gods help in one of these areas:
1. I need to ask God what to do 2. I need to work on separating my identity from my job 3. I need to learn to enjoy my work 4. I need to learn to keep a Sabbath 5. I need to look for opportunities to serve God at work. 6. I need a miracle concerning my job situation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

no drama for ya mama

A lot of people are on overload and headed for a crash. Consider these statistics:

People now sleep 2½ fewer hours each night than people did a hundred years ago. You’re sleeping less than your grandparents did.
The average workweek is longer now than it was in the 1960s.
The average office worker has 36 hours of work piled up on his or her desk. It takes us three hours a week just to sort through it and find what we need.
We spend eight months of our lives opening junk mail, two years of our lives playing phone tag with people who are busy or who are not answering, five years waiting for people who are trying to do too much and are late for meetings.

We’re a piled-on, stretched-to-the limit society. moms especially are chronically rushed, chronically late, chronically exhausted.

Many of us feel like Job did when he said, “I have no peace! I have no quiet! I have no rest! And trouble keeps coming” (Job 3:26, GW).

Overload comes when we have too much activity in our lives, too much change, too many choices, too much work, too much debt, too much media exposure. We’re stressed by information overload. We’re stressed by accessibility overload -- we’re connected all the time.

Simply put, we’re stressed by the pace of life.

Is there a solution? Yes. The solution is to put some margin into your life. Margin is breathing room. It’s keeping a little reserve that you’re not using up. It’s not going from one meeting to the next to the next with no space in between.

Margin is the space between your load and your limit. Hopefully your load is not heavier than your limits. But the truth is that most of us are far more overloaded than we can handle, and there is no margin for error in our lives.

. Marginless is being 30 minutes late to the doctor’s office because you were 20 minutes late getting out of the hairdresser because you were 10 minutes late dropping the children off at school because the car ran out of gas two blocks from a gas station and you forgot your purse. That’s marginless.

“Margin, on the other hand, is having breath at the top of the staircase, money at the end of the month, and sanity left over at the end of adolescence. Margin is grandma taking the baby for the afternoon. Margin is having a friend help carry the burden. Marginless is not having time to finish the book you’re reading on stress. Margin is having the time to read it twice. Marginless is our culture. Margin is counter-culture, having some space in your life and schedule. Marginless is the disease of our decade and margin is the cure.”

Here are four immediate benefits you will enjoy when you begin to build margin into your life:

1.Peace of mind
When you’re not hurrying and worrying all the time, you have time to think. Time to relax. Time to enjoy life. We had a bird come into the building one evening before service. He started singing, and it was just like we’d been given an invitation: “Just relax. Everybody except those sitting directly under the bird, relax.”

2.Better health
Unrelenting stress harms our bodies. We all know that, yet we let it continue day after day after day. Many times the only time we get margin in our lives is when the heart attack almost happens or does happen or the blood pressure skyrockets. Why do we wait until our health plummets before we make this decision? Why not realize that we need to build some margin into our lives now? The truth is, your body needs downtime in order to heal. Race cars make pit stops occasionally in order to get repaired. You can’t fix anything going 200 miles an hour. Yet we try to be repaired while we’re still racing through life. Margin builds in time for better health.

3.Stronger relationships
Lack of margin is one big reason for the collapse of the American family today. When we don’t make relationships a priority and make time for each other, our relationships suffer. The truth is relationships take time, and margin provides the time to sit and talk, to listen and enjoy one another, and to provide the comfort we each need.

4.Usefulness in ministry
Christians are out of order. they have nothing to give and no way to mulitply their effectiveness for the kingdom

When you’re overloaded by activity, you can only think of yourself. You’re in survival mode, just trying to make it through another day. But being available to God for his use makes all the difference in this world. When you have no margin in your life, when God taps you on the shoulder and says, “I’d like you to do this for me,” your first response isn’t joy. Your first response is, “Oh, no! Another thing to do! Sorry, God -- I’d like to do that, but I'm just too busy.” We end up resenting the great opportunities God brings into our lives. But when you have margin, you’re available for God to use.

1 cor. 14:33,40 God is a God of order, not the author of confusion.

4 signs of order

1. punctuality- when you are constantly late it shows disorganization of your life and time
procrastinate, overcommit. when youre late it conveys a lack of respect. women take so long to get out of car.

2.your dress- unkempt appearance is a symptom of a confused lifestyle. difference between casual and catastrophic - modesty- joke for me. get your husbands advice. problem is you don't dress for your husband you dress to impress other women.

1 peter 3:4 nlt you should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

4. your speech-it is critical to your example.
Eph. 5:4 there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or course jesting, which are not fitting.

4. maturity- keep it simple. when you can manage a day, you can manage your life.
teach your sons a strong work ethic. and maturity daughters self worth how to be a wife and mother.- girls now cook a poptart for breakfast and they think they deserved to be interviewed on the view.

Immaturity is thinking of yourself first–and you can be immature at any age. It’s okay when you’re five…..sad when you’re 35.Leaders have given up the right to think of themselves first; leadership is servant hood towels, not titles Only the secure can stoop (there’s nothing worse than an insecure leader who thinks the world should worship him)john mawell

do we minister out of our flesh or the anointing?

A persons gift will make room for him and attract the notice and attention of others. furthermore, that gift, though legitimate and God given, can be operated in pride and arrogance rather than in submission to God. That was Satan's problem:unbroken, unyielded giftings. In the church world, education, connections, manipulation,innovation, entrepreneurship and aggressiveness can amplify a persons gift. the fact that a ministry continues to expand and looks exciting in no guarantee that the person is operating in the anointing. the anointing operates in brokenness and submits to the correction of others, is transparent, and operates in relaxation and peace. the anointing focuses people on Jesus intstead of a person.When we begin to force ourselves, assert ourselves, and promote ourselves , we are moving in our gifting and flesh. larry stockstill - the remnant restoring the call to personal integrity

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thoughts from my Visit to JSM

Musings of the SciFiPastor
Thoughts from my Visit to JSM
During my recent trip to Baton Rouge and Healing Place Church, I stopped by the headquarters of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. In the eighties, Jimmy Swaggart was the most popular televangelist on the airwaves, with ministry reaching literally around the world. Then, in early 1988, it came to light that he had utilized the services of a prostitute, and much of the ministry came crashing down.

Brother Swaggart was very influential in my journey to accepting Christ in 1986. For that, I will always owe him a debt of gratitude. On the flip side of that, I also made him an idol in my early Christian walk. The pedestal on which I had placed him quickly crumbled when the scandal hit, but fortunately my faith, though shaken in the fall, remained strong.

The truth is, as horrible as the spectacle became, I am thankful that my eyes were taken off of a man. I learned from the experience that even our Christian heroes can (and will) let us down, so our faith cannot be placed in them alone. Even Paul wrote “imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1), implying that we should NOT imitate him when his actions do not reflect Christ’s character.

Our human heroes are just that: human.

That being the case, I wonder what it must be like for Brother Swaggart to drive up to his headquarters each day. Right across the highway from his administration building and church sits this sight:

This is a dorm building that was under construction in 1988 when the Swaggart scandal hit the fan. It has sat here uncompleted for over twenty years. TWENTY YEARS!

Moreover, in October 1987, more than three months before Swaggart’s sin became known, David Wilkerson stood in Brother Swaggart’s pulpit and prophesied that God was not pleased with the television ministry and that if things did not change, they would see birds fly in and out of this building and take roost.

As you can imagine, the students of Jimmy Swaggart Bible College all but labeled Wilkerson a heretic. They pulled his books from their shelves and denounced him.

Imagine how that prophecy echoed in their ears when Jimmy Swaggart stood in his pulpit on February 21, 1988 and confessed, “I have sinned.”

So, again, what would it be like to drive by this half-completed dorm building almost every day for twenty years and be reminded of your failure?

Here’s the kicker: What towers are you constructing in your own life?

What are you doing right now that could leave a lasting consequence? Even after you repent, God forgives you, and you move on with your life, you still may have to deal with the consequences of your decisions.

Some sins are easily forgiven, but not so easily forgotten.

I took more pictures of this half-finished tower than anything else on my trip. I want to remember what is at stake when I don’t imitate Christ.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seduced Into Idolatry
Pete Wilson

I think most people get into ministry for the right reasons. We want to spread the Gospel. We want to help the church reach her full potential. We want to help people become the men and women God created them to be. Our motives are pure but over time we easily become seduced into playing games, which feed ego.


All of these become these mini god's, which promise us increased satisfaction and purpose but leave us feeling unsatisfied and empty.

The other night I was reading in Luke 14 and read (25) Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: (26) "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his own life-he cannot be my disciple.

We're all smart enough to know that Jesus is not saying that we literally need to "hate" our family. His main point in this passage is don't take something good and make it ultimate.

This is where I believe so many of our ministries get off course. Your greatest temptation as a leader in the church will probably not be to abandon the faith, embezzle money, or get involved with a scandal that's going to hit the front pages. Not that we don't have to guard against such things, but I don't think this is our biggest temptation.

Your greatest temptation is not to chase after what is ridiculously evil but what is deceptively good. This is where so many of us are seduced into idolatry.

John Ortberg recently wrote a fantastic article for Christianity Today where he ended with the following questions. He labeled the series of questions the "Idol Quotient Test."

-Where does my sense of security come from-from God or from how my church is doing?

-After a worship service, do I find myself grateful that God is God and feeling joyful that I get to live in his care? Or, if I'm honest, are my emotions dictated more by how many bodies were in the room?

-Do I spend more time thinking about God, or thinking about how to make my church/ministry do better?

-How do I feel when the prospect for more prizes in the church tournament-recognition, praise, reputation, applause-get taken away from me?

-Does my sense of identity flow more out of my relationship with God or out of my performance at church?

-How much do I sacrifice to know God better versus how much do I sacrifice for my church to work better?

As I read through these questions I started to break out in a cold sweat. Idolatry had never been clearer. I'm afraid I may tend to take good things and make them ultimate things.

Pete Wilson is the founding pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Cross Point is a 6 year-old church which reaches over 2,500 people each weekend through its 3 campuses located around the metro Nashville area.

best advice to pastors i've read! by pastor perry noble

best advice to pastors i've read! by pastor perry noble
It’s Hard To Lead When… April 20, 2010
#1 – You think you are better than the people you are leading. (No one loves an environment where they are constantly looked down upon and spoken down to!)

#2 – You think you are smarter than the people you are leading. (Reality is…you’re probably not. AND…if you are then your insecurity limited you to only bringing stupid people to serve around you…not wise!)

#3 – You think the people you are leading should take care of you…but you refuse to take care of them.

#4 – You don’t respect the people you are leading. (If there is someone in the room who causes you to roll your eyes everytime they speak…either they should not be there OR you need to do a serious gut check and make sure you aren’t intimidated.)

#5 – When you are threatened by the people you are leading. (There is NOTHING more dangerous than an insecure leader. Saul freaked out when they gave him credit for slaying thousands and David credit for slaying tens of thousands…and, well, it didn’t end well for Saul.)

#6 – When you run over those you are supposed to be lifting up.

#7 – When you believe the people around you should do what you say because of the POSITION you hold rather than the PERSON you are!

#8 – When you allow unresolved conflict to dominate everyone’s thoughts but you refuse to bring it out in the open for fear of the discomfort it may cause. (If you team can’t enter into uncomfortable conversations then your team will NEVER accomplish anything significant!)

#9 – You don’t love the people you are leading. (Jesus was an effective leader because He genuinely LOVED the men He led! AND…also because HE WAS JESUS! :-) )

#10 – You don’t listen to the people you are leading. (If you view your leadership team meeting as an opportunity for you to only teach rather than share your heart and learn from others…it’s probably a really boring meeting!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do our churches have sheperds or hirelings?

John 10:11-13 (The Message)

11-13"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary. A hired man is not a real shepherd. The sheep mean nothing to him. He sees a wolf come and runs for it, leaving the sheep to be ravaged and scattered by the wolf. He's only in it for the money. The sheep don't matter to him.

My first years in bible college our professor said 90% of pastors are good as gold the other 10% are bologna. That was 20 years ago, i think the number of selfish, fake pastors is on the rise. Sounds harsh i know but when the bad lawyers and politicians do stupid things its up the good ones to protect their profession by discliping the bad ones. Needless to say, no denomination catholic or protestant is willing to keep any accoutable much less disclipine or remove anyone from office. Most denominations are fraternities that keep the "good ole boy" network going and defends its own regardless of the health of the churches these pastors serve. So how do you tell if your organization or church is led by a hired gun and will run the first time there is a rough spot or he doesn't get his way.

1. Does the leader teach personal sacrifice for the sake of the flock or biz.? Does he model it? how? in time or money?

2. Is there a team, not "me" mentality? Is he a "general" barking orders?

3. Is there a kingdom mindset that promotes the kingdom over promoting a church or leaders name?

Job 7:2
As a servant earnestly desireth the shadow, and as an hireling looketh for the reward of his work:

4. Is there a high turn over rate of staff members? All the good staff people seem to leave?

5. How does the leader show loyalty and honor to those he serves with and over?

6. Has the leader stuck thru some bad times? When he could have left for greener pastures or is it that he is constantly looking for greener pastures in other states and churches, but none can be found or at least none that will match his present salary?

7. Has the left other flocks "holding the bag?"

8. Has a number of sheep left the flock due to neglect or abuse? Is there signs of fleecing the flock for financial gain even outside the church in seperate dealings?

Beware of jealous/insecure leaders their envy drives them to draw
people to themselves and not to Jesus and His church! judahsmith

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

who has "a right" to gamble? oops bingo?

living in east alabama within half a hour from a well known casino and dog track, gambling is part of our culture. This year it has come to the fore front due to politics and the local economy. Being raised a christian I have probably heard through the years gambling was bad, but have never had a strong opinion for or against. I guess there are only two sins I've never been tempted with- kissin some hairy man nor throwin my money down the toilet. The Bible doesn't have alot to say on this topic but gives us the wisdom to decide what is right and best for our lives. I do think most politics and all gamblers are corrupt people and are looking for any way to steal from others.
But lets say, Alabama gives the clearance for bingo- casinos. Its not too late to save others from destroying their lives and the lives of thier families thru gambling. Heres what I would propose if I were in political office. It would help decide " who has the right to gamble."
I would suggest a "green card" type of system that would require all gamblers to show identification that they met several requirements.
1. they are employed
2. they are "debt free" house, credit cards ,cars etc.
3. they recieve no financial aide- food stamps, umemployment, disability, welfare.
and if they have within the last five years - it had been paid back in full.
4. All school loans had been paid back in full.
5. their parents nor children are on financial aide of any type.

Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.

6. they give to charitable causes and are paid up on taxes.
if they go to church and call themselves christians they tithe.
7. they have proof of life insurance and health insurance.

pastor chris elrod from lakeland tells it straight

by Chris Elrod There is some stuff I just cannot comprehend. Try as I may to get it…it doesn’t make any logical or Scriptural sense. Here is a partial of things I do not understand.

Folks that show up to church only a few times a year but expect the pastor to drop everything to provide them with his undivided attention.
People that put nothing in the offering plate but still have the stones to expect that their opinions on the church should count.
Parents who ground their children from church or the youth group…the very things that could help them with their behavior, future and afterlife.
People that expect the pastor to tolerate their political views…but leave the church because of his.
The occasional volunteer that expects the church to throw a parade in their honor just because they finally did what the Bible commanded.
People that have basked in the grace of God…but fail to give grace to anyone else.
Pastors that leave one church for another…for better pay.
The need for church growth plans, programs, books, conference, seminars and resource kits…when we already have the Bible
Women that tolerate their husbands having multiple affairs…”for the sake of the kids”.
Pastors that would rather be political pundits or civil rights leaders…instead of just preaching the life-saving message of the Word of God.
People that have one spiritual standard for their pastor…and another for themselves.
Folks that think the word ‘disciple’ is a noun…and not a verb.
People that make comments about needing to go “deeper” in God’s Word…as if there is a Scripture in the Bible that isn’t deep.
Pastors that think accountability means never asking them the tough questions or taking the hard line when it comes to their failure to follow Scripture.
Men that think being the head of the household has something to do with the amount of money they are bringing in or the title they acquire at work.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can bivopastors be the aswer for struggling churches in todays economy?

just heard that almost 70% of the churches in america are pastored by bivocational ministers. Makes you wonder why they are often the forgotten and overlooked step-children of the ministry world. Considering the present and future economy of the U.S., I strongly believe there will be a rise in the number of bivopastors serving in local churches. I have never seen any statics or suggestions in the area of salaries and what churces per size should really spend of staff. the bigger questions that many churches will face soon is who should hire full-time versus bivopastors and staff.
there will always be circumstances that effect ever decision that don't fit the norm. ( like buildings payed for, or one giver in a group of 20 that gives a huge amount that pads the numbers) Here is some common sense guidelines churches should consider.
these numbers are based on the actual number of adults only (no kids)per sunday average attendance
35-45 adults( yearly budget under $50K) --a bivopastor only, with volunteer staff

45-65 --( budget of @ $80-100k) a bivopastor with part- time paid staff - this is the biggest area of concentration of churches that are struggling financially and may be having to cut back staff. if pastors are full time in this range it is only because it is an older church with the buildings and land paid for.

65-100 (budget over $100-125k)-- have only met a few bivopastors with churches this size that are not full-time. Most pastors are only considering full time positions thus.

100-125 ( budget @ $150- 175K) full time pastor, part time secretary and music and youth worker.

125-150 ( budget over $175-200k)full time pastor, full time 2nd pastor all other positions part-time

over 150 adults (budget over $225k) several full time staff members

study shows saving on staff salaries promote church health
Warren Bird... Thanks to over 700 churches that responded to Leadership Network's “lean staff” survey in January, we have some helpful insights for everyone. We compared churches that spend only 10%-35% of their budget on staff (which we call “lean”) against churches that use higher percentages for their staffing costs...

Responses included churches of all sizes, from attendances of 50 to 20,000. Among the things we learned:

* Lean staff churches do a better job with volunteers and lay leadership development.

* Lean staff churches invest a noticeably higher percentage of their budget beyond the walls of their church.

* Growing churches spend a smaller percentage of their budget on staffing costs, so they’re “leaner” than plateaued or declining churches.

* Staff costs become leaner with size -- as overall weekend worship attendance increases, but not dramatically so.

where is the worst place to eat in your area?

had the displeasure of going back to a place to eat today that i knew was less than pleasurable. How can anyone screw up a pizza buffet? i had given this place in my town 10 plus chances because i love pizza, my favorite. the problem has never been the pizza. Its part of a successful chain, pizza hut. As recent as 3 yrs. ago, it did decent biz with a great lunch crowd. But every time you would notice horrible service and other patrons getting disgusted by the lack of care of the employees.
Today they were serving the same food, same price, same building but it seems people have caught on. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. No one was there during the rush lunch hour.
I wonder if many unchurched felt the same as i when they tried to give church another try, this past easter sunday . No doubt some attended churches that were based of models of the 1950s and haven't changed a bit. they only seem less connected to reality more than ever. Often churches fail not because of a bad product, but by bad service or preperation. Whats the difference between a 5 star restaraunt and golden corral, not really taste- its preparation. its the effort put into the quality of the food and the atmosphere in which it is served. A caring, attentive staff who has pride in their work has alot to do with the quality of effort in which they serve. Knowing our product and the benefits to our guests, how much more pride should we put in caring for those who walk thru are doors. unchurched people are not put off with Jesus, they are just confused by the manner in which we do things in order to please ourselves and not our special guest. Most churches are friendly to each other, but not the guest who don't look like us, dress like us and talk like us.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

a day in the life of a bivopastor

many give the excuse that being a bivopastor you can't accomplish as much for the kingdom as a "full-time" pastor. I think it comes down to priorities and time management. Yes some days get more stressful than others but can be managed by planning and self-discipline. It means you can't be a last minute slacker (which is comes under the talented artsy types). Here a look of what happened today.
5:45 wake up and dress and travel to hospital for father of member open heart surgery
6:30 at hospital with family till 8:30
8:30 at work doing manual labor, yeah i wish i had an office job ( all i see people at desk doing now is facebook anyway. by the way, what did pastors do before blogs,twitter and facebook?)
lunch with daughter and wife at 12 cause i know i will be out of town tonight
1:00 back doing service work
3:00 stop by hospital to see family after surgery
4:00 take off work an hour early ( that means you lose money)
get changed on road at 4:30 till 5:45 to visit hospital out of town for member who had major motorcycle wreck on interstate and was air lifted.
Stay at hospital till 7:00 . swing by a get dinner quickly . back home at 9:oo play with 3 yr old daughter till 9:45 cause i didn't get to see her much today and will be gone for 2 full days. started final listen on worship cd. while typing sermon. my sermons are usually written through the week in my work truck while I go over thoughts. Usually condense 4 pages of notes down to 2 typed pages with scripture inserted. have wrestling match with printer. These are the times when i wish i was better with a computer or had a secretary. oh well. By the way, I am doing what i love and did this even when I didn't get a dime. You have to love people. I see some that can fake it for up to a few years but you can't fake it for a lifetime. Being bivocational requires a greater since of sacrifice. So stop feeling sorry for yourself just because you feel takin for granted by your church people. Its called spiritual warfare and its a trap of the devil!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

remember to have fun and a dream come true!

I am in the middle of one of our funnest weeks of the year! We got to go with our staff and youth to a great youth conference. We had our first men's golf fellowship and it will be talked about for a long time and not just the fact we had someone to get a hole in one! The ladies had a baby shower for a special young lady in our church.
We got to attend our favorite conference for church planters at Mountain lake Church in north Atlanta who run ( it is designed for pastors of churches less than 5 yrs old and those who have not launched yet and sponsor churches). If we would have went to this before we launched we would have been much better prepared. The highlight of our trip was hearing steven furtick who is the best young speaker in America. We did hear from a few speakers that I just "don't get" or just ain't my! They must be part of that Star Trek Star Wars crowd?
The main bonus of the trip was getting the rare chance to hear Rick Warren in person. Every time we hear him Nicole is moved to tears and I am reminded what the heart of a sheperd looks like. He has proven time and again he loves God's church more than any man in the U.S.- Love is proven by Sacrifice. As we exited the auditorium Rick was standing outside our door with several around hugging, pic taking and giving him their cards so they could receive the free cd's he offered. We waited and i had the chance to hug him( man he is a biggen, i felt little next to him - he must be 6'5", i think i was up to his armpit) That was a chance of a lifetime. P.s. ed young was a no-show although he was in Montgomery,AL. the day before. major disappointment but i know it wasn't the conferences fault. The conference audio will be on in march and i have some clips on youtube.

Friday, February 19, 2010

advantages of bivo pastoring, more bivocational resources

Advantages of Dual-Career Ministry
Working a part-time or full-time secular job promotes the following:
Servanthood. It enables you to help small, struggling congregations who cannot afford to pay a full-time pastor or church planter.
Witness. Those at your workplace need to hear the Gospel and your growing relationship network will provide excellent opportunities to share God's grace with those who might never hear it otherwise.
Understanding. Honestly, most full-time pastors have forgotten what it's like to earn a living in the secular marketplace, with its unique stresses and challenges. You will be able to more fully understand those who listen to your preaching and teaching.
Boldness. The fear of man can have a debilitating effect upon your pastoral ministry when you're worried about offending the chairman of deacons or Mr. Big Pockets in your congregation. However, financial independence enables you to be more bold and courageous in ministry.
Shared Ministry. If you're putting in 40 hours a week or more, there will be limits on your time for ministry, which means that others will be required to share the load. This is probably one of the greatest benefits of bivocational ministry: it keeps you from trying to do everything!
Stewardship. Since you are self-supporting, it frees up more money that can be channeled into world missions and local benevolence ministries, enhancing the vision of the local church toward others.
Provision. Sadly, some pastors and church planters are barely scraping by, living on food stamps, welfare assistance, and the mercy of relatives and friends. No life, dental, or health insurance to protect them and their loved ones. A bivocational career could change all that!
Protection. What happens if a modern-day Diotrophes serves as your deacon chairman or on your elder board? Pastors can often get unfairly treated when controversy arises in their ministry. If you are financially self-supporting, you can walk away from a bad situation without going bankrupt.

Articles on Bivocational Ministry
NEW! -> Part-Time Pastors Fill Churches' Needs
SALEM, W.Va. (AP) - For Danny Fleming, Sunday is no day of rest. It starts before dawn, when the United Methodist pastor rises from slumber and gets ready for services. Some Sundays, he travels to two churches. On others, it's three. Every week, he spends 20 hours preparing his sermons and logs ...
"Bivocational Church Planting"
Steve Nerger is a good friend of mine who works with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. This chapter is an excerpt from his unpublished book, "Stuff Nobody Told Me About Church Planting."
Bivocational Ministry Emerging As Option
An excellent article from the Kentuck Baptist Convention (SBC) website.
Bivocational Ministry
From the Mississippi Baptists (SBC) website
"I Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now" - An Interview with Dale Holloway
Leon Wilson, former National Missionary for Bivocational Ministries, interviewed Dale Holloway, bivocational strategist for the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (SBC).
"Personal experience provides bivocational understanding"
An article from the Baptist Message, published in Alexandria, Louisiana, USA.
"Building vital churches through bivocational ministry"
A Quarterly Publication of BivoNet, Sponsored by The Ministers Council ABC/USAIn Partnership with National Ministries, Rev. Dennis Bickers, Project Director.
Bivo Bloggers
Ryan J Hale : : Stories and Happenings in My World
A bivocational church planter living in the rural community of Moscow Hills, Missouri, who is part of a house church called "Levi's Table".
Bivocational Ministries Blog
A blog by Dennis Bickers.
In the Marketplace -- Bivo Joe
A poem by Lewis H. Rogers
Many faces, in many places,Many costumes, many customs,Laboring often alone in solitary placesSometimes alone in the multitudes,In the Marketplaces of the world.In the vineyards of the Lord he labors,Dock worker, bus driver, carpenter, laborer,Doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, entrepreneur,Scientist, lecturer, grocer, meat cutter,In the Marketplaces of the world.Mover of mountains, builder of roads,Captain of the fleet, lowly deck hand,And wherever he goes his labor twofold,"Earning daily provender, sharing God's Word"In the Marketplaces of the world.Ministering to the masses in the MarketplaceConcern he has for the spiritual well beingOf those whom he may show the way to God.Whether they be client, co-worker, administrator,In the Marketplaces of the world.In the places of the Kings, among the eliteOf the land, in the places of power and might, orIn the shadow of poverty and of self-denial,Among the lowliest of God's creatures he serves,In the Marketplaces of the world.Wherever God calls he is thereReady to do, ready to be, ready to goWilling to give to be to do whatever it takesTo tend the vineyards of God, and share its fruits.In the Marketplaces of the world.In the streets of city, village, and vale,In church and cathedral throughout the landAn unfailing proclaimer of God's joy and peace.As through his message hope springs eternalIn the Marketplaces of the world.

Bivocational Links
Bivocational Ministries (Tennessee Baptist Convention)
Providing encouragement, training, skills development, and opportunities for enrichment and fellowship to bivocational ministers serving Baptist churches in Tennessee. Includes a schedule for workshops, retreats, conferences, and workshops for bivo ministers.
Bivocational Ministry Department, Louisiana Baptist Convention, SBC
The Bi-vocational and Smaller Church Ministry Department relates to Pastors who are willing to contribute to their financial support through the means of a secular job, retirement income, disability income, or any other source of income, other than the financial support provided by their churches. This department provides a resume service for pastors seeking a bi-vocational pastorate and resumes for churches seeking a bi-vocational pastor.
Canadian Tentmaker Network (CTN)
Tentmaking is...Cross-cultural witness in which the Christian works in a host country using professional skills and qualifications among hard-to-reach people. The extensive personal contact with the local people provides opportunity for tentmakers to incarnate Christ cross-culturally.
The Chaplaincy Job Network
Nearly every state in the U.S. has openings for chaplains: military, corporate, hospital, hospice, and geriatric positions. There are many excellent benefits and salary packages throughout the country. Chaplaincy is also an excellent bivocational career option that would allow great freedom to plant new churches while using your seminary training and ministry experience in the workplace.
Global Opportunities (GO): Helping tentmakers disciple the nations
To help the church to understand and engage the Biblical model of tentmaking by sending committed, everyday, workplace Christians as mission workers, and to mobilize and equip these Christians to serve abroad as effective tentmakers, primarily to least-reached peoples.
Southern Baptist Bivocational Ministers' Association
The mission of the Association is doing whatever it takes to encourage, promote and serve bivocational churches, ministers, and families in Christ's kingdom service within local congregations and communities, the Southern Baptist family, and the larger Christian movement.
Texas Baptist Bivocational Ministers' Homepage
The Office of Bivocatonal/Smaller Church Development assists and encourages bivocational and smaller membership churches to realize their full potential to be the presence of Christ in the world through planning, networking and leadership development. Sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas, SBC.
Today's Bivocational Pastor
A LifeWay newsletter with Mitch Martin. Links to some great articles on bivocational ministry.
The Tentmaker Group
The Tentmaker Group assists movements, ministry leaders and church planters who seek to bring gospel-centered change to cities. The concept comes from the apostle Paul who worked as a tentmaker in Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus (cf. Acts 18:3, 1 Thess. 2:9) in order to plant churches.
Tentmaking 101
Tentmaking is a strategic and powerful missions strategy. It allows you to use your vocation to reach the nations. Tentmaking is a real alternative and indispensible complement to vocational missions. It is much more than an access strategy for closed countries. Apostle Paul chose it over donor support because of its great benefits.
Bivocational Resources for Ministers

Your Work Matters to God
by: Douglas Sherman, William D Hendricks
Amazon Price: $10.87 (as of 02/19/2010)

Anointed for Business
by: Ed Silvoso
Amazon Price: (as of 02/19/2010)

The Tentmaking Pastor: The Joy of Bivocational Ministry
by: Dennis W. Bickers
Amazon Price: (as of 02/19/2010)

The Bivocational Pastor: Two Jobs, One Ministry
by: Dennis Bickers
Amazon Price: $15.99 (as of 02/19/2010)

The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective
by: R. Paul Stevens
Amazon Price: $21.06 (as of 02/19/2010)

Video Resources
A Special Message from SBC President Bobby Welch (2005)
"Since almost half our Southern Baptist churches are led by bivocational pastors, I believe it's high time we recognize them and honor them," Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Bobby Welch told the East Tennessee Bivocational Evangelism Conference. Produced in 2005.
More Books

Our Pastor Has an Outside Job: New Strength for the Church Through Dual Role Ministry
by: John Y. Elliott