Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I learned from my pastor Rudet Adkinson

Last week Restoration had the privilege of hearing from my pastor ( from age 11 to18)  Rudet Adkinson. I wanted to reflect on a few things he has taught me about ministry and life from just observing him.

1. Almost everything I learned from Rudet was by his Example. Almost like osmosis, you absorb traits of Godly wise people into your life by just being near them. Seldom do mentors sit you down and lecture you instruction by instruction what to do in a situation. Old School say "watch and learn" . Rick Warren says, " if your not leading by example, you're not leading.

2. The way you earn peoples trust is with integrity over a long period of time. Anyone can be wowed for a few months by someone talents or charisma, but they will finally see the real you. You better be REAL. Without other's trust you aren't a leader.

3. The way you manage God's money shows your character. He lived sound financial principles in his personal life and in bled over into his professional life. Show me a pastor who is failing and out of control in his personal life and I'll show you a church that is about to be in big trouble.

4. He raised us to be Biblically sound, use common sense. Never be ashamed of your Pentecostal heritage, but you don't have to participate in every fad or be Charismatic crazy to prove to others you love the Lord.
Even thru the crazy 80s, he wasn't afraid to shy away from the weird stuff and the weird ones. ( every pentecostal church had their share of weird ones.)

5. His reputation was as great outside the church walls, as inside. Of course the people that go to a particular pastors church is going to think well of him , or he needs to hit the road jack.asap.  Rudet was respected by everyone who came in contact with him , either the lighthouse christian bookstore or his home building contractor company. 95% of the people you meet will never set a foot inside the door of your church, but everyone who meets you forms an opinion about your church off of how you act and behave.

6. Don't be a one man show. Rudet never desired to be the center of attention.  I never remember seeing his name on any signs or even newspaper ads. He strived to be a good preacher in a great church, rather that a great preacher in a so so church. Preaching alone doesn't grow a church. God's presence along with a pure purpose does.

7. If you were around Rudet he wanted to be like him. A mans man. athletic, hard worker. Even in ministry, I recall over 7 young people being called into ministry, within a two years, and following in his footsteps. We had at times 6 students training for ministry at Southeastern college. ( the same college he attended in the 50s?) What church do you know of today that can match those numbers?

8. You knew that he loved you and your family. In a day of self serving pastors climbing the political ladder, He was called to a city. Even 20 years later after his last full time position, he is admired by those he served, I doubt many will remember any of his sermons, but they know they were loved and always a priority in his and Sis. Betty's life.

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