Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Year in Review: Top Spiritual Trends of 2010

The Year in Review: Top Spiritual Trends of 2010

people matter more than money

In our ministry we spend a lot of time thinking about how to navigate through with the financial resources we have and how to even increase said resources to do more ministry. It’s not so difficult to figure out that the level of resources your possess is equivalent to the amount of ministry you can do. It just is what it is, like any business really.

YET, People resources are THE MOST IMPORTANT. And I am constantly hoping that I am a blessing to people and never treat anyone as someone to be used for a purpose. However, I do believe every person does have talents and giftings and it kills me when they don’t put them into action.

I love my beautiful family, I am so blessed.

I am thankful for the people who are in my life, all of them. Every single person is there for a reason. I have made some great friendships this last year.

I do not have all of the answers. I am thankful for this one for many reasons. One of the main ones is that I am typically VERY self reliant and I have learned that with what we are doing, it simply isn’t an option to rely only on my strength, I’m learning.

I enjoy learning new things. A LOT!

The greatest blessings I’ve received this year are from unexpected places.

Much of what I assumed, was wrong, for the most part.


If you truly love people and give of yourself, people notice.

Never take a friendship for granted or any relationship for that matter.

People matter more than stuff, or ideas, or even plans. It’s always about people.

To do what you want to do it’s going to take a lot more money than you thought.

It’s not only OK to take time away for yourself, it’s imperative. Someone is going to set your schedule, it might as well be you.

Actions always prove personal values.

The number of hurting people in our community is astounding. I’m not trying to be naive, but I’m not kidding. This is unique because in our community it’s not the “thing” to be hurting or need help. So, it is VERY difficult to discover these needs.

What Seth Godin said in his book Tribes about people is true to the nth degree in our community, and then some.

Lastly, when you follow after Jesus, most people won’t understand and some people will get upset.

Invest in people..Pour urself into people..Money and everything money can buy will rot .. But...People r Eternal...Love People!Leaders set people up for success while taking responsibility for their failures!Blessing comes from trusting God's ability, not my own.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I learned from my pastor Rudet Adkinson

Last week Restoration had the privilege of hearing from my pastor ( from age 11 to18)  Rudet Adkinson. I wanted to reflect on a few things he has taught me about ministry and life from just observing him.

1. Almost everything I learned from Rudet was by his Example. Almost like osmosis, you absorb traits of Godly wise people into your life by just being near them. Seldom do mentors sit you down and lecture you instruction by instruction what to do in a situation. Old School say "watch and learn" . Rick Warren says, " if your not leading by example, you're not leading.

2. The way you earn peoples trust is with integrity over a long period of time. Anyone can be wowed for a few months by someone talents or charisma, but they will finally see the real you. You better be REAL. Without other's trust you aren't a leader.

3. The way you manage God's money shows your character. He lived sound financial principles in his personal life and in bled over into his professional life. Show me a pastor who is failing and out of control in his personal life and I'll show you a church that is about to be in big trouble.

4. He raised us to be Biblically sound, use common sense. Never be ashamed of your Pentecostal heritage, but you don't have to participate in every fad or be Charismatic crazy to prove to others you love the Lord.
Even thru the crazy 80s, he wasn't afraid to shy away from the weird stuff and the weird ones. ( every pentecostal church had their share of weird ones.)

5. His reputation was as great outside the church walls, as inside. Of course the people that go to a particular pastors church is going to think well of him , or he needs to hit the road jack.asap.  Rudet was respected by everyone who came in contact with him , either the lighthouse christian bookstore or his home building contractor company. 95% of the people you meet will never set a foot inside the door of your church, but everyone who meets you forms an opinion about your church off of how you act and behave.

6. Don't be a one man show. Rudet never desired to be the center of attention.  I never remember seeing his name on any signs or even newspaper ads. He strived to be a good preacher in a great church, rather that a great preacher in a so so church. Preaching alone doesn't grow a church. God's presence along with a pure purpose does.

7. If you were around Rudet he wanted to be like him. A mans man. athletic, hard worker. Even in ministry, I recall over 7 young people being called into ministry, within a two years, and following in his footsteps. We had at times 6 students training for ministry at Southeastern college. ( the same college he attended in the 50s?) What church do you know of today that can match those numbers?

8. You knew that he loved you and your family. In a day of self serving pastors climbing the political ladder, He was called to a city. Even 20 years later after his last full time position, he is admired by those he served, I doubt many will remember any of his sermons, but they know they were loved and always a priority in his and Sis. Betty's life.


A few weeks ago I wrote about " What was the one thing you wanted people to think about your church?"  This week my wish was granted. We got a call from a dear elderly ladies family that I've known her and her family almost 20 years. Her name is Fannie Lou Hickman. ( her name rocks! oldschool) Fannie lou has attended Restoration church a few times with her family, but remains faithful to the church her late husband attended for years.
     Fannie lou is in her golden years (late 70s) with decreasing health and let us know thru the family that she wished for me to participate in the ceremony after the Lord calls her home. HUGE HONOR! Plus I really like fannie lou.( I can't even say her name without smiling) She is a card!
  The one thing she wanted us to know, was that we were the SAME every time we saw her. That we greeted her with joyfull kindness each time we would cross each others path, EVEN AFTER it was clear that she would still be attending her old church  ( that was more her style) and not get our feelings hurt and that she loved us and prays for us.
   Too often I've heard horror stories of Christians who would leave thier present church in their city to follow Gods leading (to another church) and find staff pastors and congregation (of their old church) treat them like outcast and black sheeps. This has been a pet peeve since long before I became involved in ministry. I saw my family experience this several times thru my life, and it shaped my perspective on "what have you done for me lately pastors."  It was as though the people where instructed verbally or by example to discontinue relationships with friends and even family members if they chose to no longer attend the church of "the annointed one."
  The last time I checked the Bible says the sheep are His and He calls under-sheperds to keep eye on his flock (protect not rule over) and care for and feed. What a honor and obligation! The Bible says we as sheperds will be held accountable for the way we treat his sheep. (oh boy! that is going to be an interesting day. BCS tickets won't hold a candle to that day.)
   Do people ever leave Restoration church? Absolutely, sometimes I've wanted to leave for "greener pastures" where all I have to do is eat and someone else takes care of the Ranch. lol. We are a 3 year old church and sometimes it shows.  Its okay to act your age and be who you are. We don't have it all together ( all the time). But are best days are ahead!
    We know we are not the best fit for everyone, but we bless and still love those who may be fed for a time, be restored and healed and eventually leave.  We don't always understand or get the full story and yes it hurts and Nicole and I take it personal at times. BUTT, We still go out to eat and play golf with our friends that leave Restoration because we know its about the Kingdom, not our kingdom. In the end my #1 desire for people to know and believe about Restoration Church ,( its staff and its people.) Is that we are real, the same each time you see us, and won't treat you like trash if you ever decide to go to another church. We will even welcome you back without treating you like a r-d  h--d-d  st-p ch-ld.. lol

Are you a happy person? Study show: friends from church is the answer

According to the findings on religion and life satisfaction, 33% of people who attend religious services every week and have three to five close friends in their congregation report being "extremely satisfied" with their lives. The study also finds that 15% of weekly church attendees said they had no close friends at church, and people who say they participate in private religious practices, such as services held at home, were no happier than those who never attend congregational services.

Attending religious services regularly and having close friends in the congregation are key to having a happier, more satisfying life, a study finds.

Even attending services irregularly — just several times a year — increases a sense of well-being, so long as there is a circle of friendships within the community and a strong, shared religious identity.That's the key finding of a study released today in the December issue of the American Sociological Review.
    Attending religious services regularly and having close friends in the congregation are key to having a happier, more satisfying life, a study finds.Even attending services irregularly — just several times a year — increases a sense of well-being, so long as there is a circle of friendships within the community and a strong, shared religious identity.
That's the key finding of a study released today in the December issue of the American Sociological Review.

Study: Happiness is Having Friends at Church

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the most important quality of a leader/pastor/spouse?

Over the years I have met some incredible leaders. I've had the privilege of working with and under some great men of God and have a father that is one of the best "common sense" small business owners. I also have a canny ability to "point out" up and coming leaders years before they get the big opportunity thats proves they are gifted to lead people or an organization or church.
  When I was around 12 yrs. old a famous televangelist stumbled and had a very public failure. I would have never guessed how much his failure in the area of leadership, would have on my life, training and church ministry. It led me to question "How does God choose who He uses?" and " How could He allow men in mighty positions (that represent Him) to lead others astray?"
    I have had a saying for some time that for every leader that has a major scandal on a national level , that every small town and city also has leaders that are just as guilty of doing the same thing. I have seen many smaller churches and business on the local level that experienced the same scandal of mistrust and misleading that we hear echoed in papers of the evils of wall street. Until I became an adult and saw first hand how a self serving leader can destroy a business or church that others have poured their hearts and soul's into, I never understood the value of pure hearted leaders.
   It has led me to ask " what is the most important quality of a leader, pastor or even a spouse?" After reseacrching this I ran across this quote that sums it up.

Rick Warren -

Leadership is a relationship.Without other's trust u arent a leader.The fastest way to earn people's trust is trust THEM.

I agree its not talents, gifting, or even experience. If people don't trust you "in their gut" you are not a leader.