Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Carpetbaggers and Wizard of Oz Pastoring?

Remember Dorthy and her friends in front of the Wizard of Oz?  After retrieving the witches broom they return to the wizard ( after doing what he said)  only to be told to come back tomorrow. If you were really great and powerful , you would keep your promises. Dorothy.  Wizard "  Do you presume to criticize the great oz , consider your self lucky. "  Then the curtain is unveiled  much to the horror of Oz. Only to reveal a pudgy ole man. I think this may be happening in churches across America today. 
 I never would have dream 20 years ago when i was called into ministry that churches one day would be pastored by never present "on screen only" preachers. I don't doubt that it works for some and can solve a few problems. I just don't know if it biblical or not. This phenomenon of on screen preaching came about in the 1990s ( probably by Seacoast church , Charleston south Carolina) when they went multi site, not by choice but unable to build the mega church structure needed. Due to code restrictions. Multi site churches is the equivalent to franchising  a successful food or clothing store. There may be more than several hundred multi site churches in u.s. alone. and they are all the rage.
         I do think its easier to plant a church out of an already established well ran , well financed church with excess leadership waiting in the wings. Versus planting a church with a non existent core group and  asking a family to start a church out of nothing with no help or finances. If  it works so well why don't we just franchise the top church in an area than multiply it across town as needed to help with seating. I've listened to Andy Stanley give the best explanation why it works for them. But as with any good idea, someone is going to copy and apply to there situation for the wrong reason or motive. 
    First lets consider this, the most popular famous American pastors are not only the ones with the biggest churches but they also have the richest congregations by design. They were all planted in the richest of areas in an urban area.(saddle back, north point, willow creek)  So who ever collects the most money can get popular the easiest. I do realize the ability to raise funds is highly sought and praised in ministry today. If you don't think so just search for finance raising conferences that abound.
 So  here my question, could it be ego that makes one thinks that only his voice and image will lift a church plant to success.  How can we preach discipleship and mentoring if we only think a select few posses the ability to preach. Yes you can have a campus pastor do the duties of ministry, but do the people really treat him as anything more than a support staff person and not "the man". If he does posses the gift of teaching, how long will you refrain from helping nurture that gift and keep his ministry in a stalemate. Its comes down to control issues for a pastor to always be in charge of the money and vision. and that's okay , just say it.
  Like the Wizard of Oz, its easier to honor and respect someone you will never know or meet. Its easier to thinks the best of a pastors wife who you will never meet or get upset with or even disappointed in. You can keep them on a pedestal longer if there is no chance of meeting them. That's why some personalities and families( say a wife that does not share in the calling for the ministry) are better suited for evangelist ministry. I believe the Shepard style pastoring found in the Bible would have today's pastors being a part of the lives of those he does life with. That means attending funerals, births, ballgames, birthday parties and graduations of those we serve.
During the civil war, we had what you know as carpet baggers-One who comes to a place or organization with which they have no previous connection with the sole or primary aim of personal gain, especially political or financial gain; one who carpetbags.Many churches and denominations open us the census and find the fastest and wealthiest growing areas and plant churches there like you would market a McDonald's ( regardless of a personal calling to that area). I never would have imaged that we would invite people to a church where the pastor doesn't even attend. It's like you're saying " i love your city, I'm just too good to live there. Sounds like the politicians who want to run public education but their kids are too good to attend there. I don't disrespect this form of church planting , i just don't know if its the best long term solution for the great commission. A Shepherd knows well the condition of the flock and how can you do that if you live in another city or state? I do know that men who take advantage of others will go to extreme measures to do so  and only the people can save themselves from being taken advantage of or mistreated. I see the issue of trust being taken to" far unhealthy measures "by some who only seek personal fame.

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