Last night i went to one of my most dread full places. K-Mart. I don;t know about yours but ours is a less than desirable experience. Here are some traits i noticed about our K-Mart that i also see in some churches and if we are not careful could lead to a downward spin.
1.Our K-Mart has a depressing vibe. no door greeters like walmart ( they stole that idea straight from the church). No energy. You will never catch a college aged kid in Kmart. All the college kids go to walmart and target. The toy dept. was hopping 20 yrs ago, now hardly no kids in the entire store.I can remember several stores having deli counters.
2. Employee Unhappiness- most of the employees looked like this was the last place they wanted to be. No one cheerful, very understaffed - saw less than 6 workers for a huge store.You never see the same employee twice because when you go back, they have already moved onto a better job. Churches often hire low quality, bad attitude people with the excuse that is all they can afford.
3.Dirty floors and bathroom- Its easier to sneak into the local jail than trying to find the restroom. Remember the God awful- please buzz me in so I can pee. Most public areas like churches, stores and even schools need to be updated every 10 years or so. Ever seen some 30 yr old shag carpet in church.
4. Merchandise out of date- Have seen many of the boxes have dust all on them because they have set on the shelf for years. If an item in walmart doesn't sell, they discount it or throw it away. How many times do we see old junk laying around our churches. We are still funding old programs that don't work.
5. No long range vision- the main business decision between walmart and Kmart that may tell of the quality of leadership. Walmart now buys land and build its own stores. Our Kmart has leased its present location for @ 30 years. Many stores are now in the abandoned bad parts of town. Many neighborhood churches built in the 70s are now stuck in declining value and appearance neighborhoods.
6. Blame Game- too often churches that were successful in the 70s, 80s, keep doing what worked then and now that their program is no longer working, they accuse other churches of being seeker sensitive sellouts. wonder if Kmart hates walmart and target instead of looking at how they can improve their stores, customer service, appeal to younger shoppers.
7. low quality merchandise.- the electronics dept. and sport dept. are one step above flea market brands. Churches use the excuse of low funds to bless low effort. We have seen some jacked up sound booths and churches using 30 yr.old sound equipment.
Many pastors can go to a hopping church and just say i want to copy and duplicate everything and hijack someone else's vision with out knowing the why behind the how.God has given the church commandments and commissions yet He gives unique visions and qualities.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
5 Prophecies for Restoration
March 31, 2011 at 11:27pm
I wanted to write down several "messages of Prophecies" we have received recently in order to help establish a guide for prayer and to encourage all believers, not just those who attend @rcauburn that we serve a God who still speaks.
In the Christian New Testament, prophecy is referred to as one of the Spiritual gifts given by the indwelling Holy Spirit. From this, many Christians believe that the gift of prophecy is the supernatural ability to receive and convey a message from God Jesus Christ. The purpose of the message may be to "edify, exhort and comfort" the members of the Church or warn of coming change or danger. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come.In this context, not all prophecies contain predictions about the future. The Apostle Paul also teaches in First Corinthians that prophecy is for the benefit of the whole Church and not just the individual exercising the gift.[1 Cor. 14:22] the task of prophetic (christian) ministry is to nurture, nourish and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the reality we see in the flesh of the dominant culture around us.While a word given does not always make it automatic, but it is Gods way of coming into agreement with men. As in "if u will be faithful to my commands- this will be your reward." Pentecostals believe prophecy and certain other gifts are once again being given to Christians. The Charismatic Movement, which began to move into mainline denominations, also accepts Spiritual gifts like "speaking in tongues" and new forms of prophecy.
Many evangelical churches make room for prophecy, but it is generally accepted that all prophecy should be tested against Scripture to determine if God is truly its Source (since Holy Scripture warns about false Christs who would rise up to deceive many)act 1:8 but you shall receive power after the holy spirit
If you have never seen a prophetic word given in person, I encourage you to go to my youtube page to see and hear the prophecy concerning the birth of our daughter.
Recently while in service with Pastor Darlene Bishop, Judy Jacobs we recieved a few words.
1. Nicoles singing ministry would be revived and while she may have seemed forgotten about and no longer using that ministry as much outside of rcauburn it would be brought back.
2. Restoration church would find favor with people of influence who would financially invest the Kingdom. It seemed as though its people that are not presently attending rcauburn and when they first attend they may be stand offish or skeptical but would be moved by the move of the Holy Spirit, their heart and life changed and would be generous in helping us reach a new level of fullfilling Gods call and vision for Rc to help the hurting, encourage families, strengthen marriages, invest in other churchplants and missions.
3. Was a word to encourage us to step out in faith and whatever we are believing for (the desire to see our church grow, reach more people, obtain a new building) that He would be our bottom.( He has got our backside,lol.) That we would not fail.
4. I received a 2nd conformation of a word given before we started Rc that the ministry would be known for physical healings taking place.
5. Lastly, we received a word (before we started the church) that revival would come to Rc much like "a bag of popcorn" by a minister in South Carolina. That although it has a time before anything happens, we would start to see a few miracles happen and in a short burst we would experience an explosion of miracles.
This is only to brag on the goodnes of God, not man.It is in no way intended to elevate Rc as special. All churches have a destiny and God desires to move in all churches. Many times the leadership of a church knows about certain words given concerning the future of the church, but we keep them to ourselves out of embarresment or fear that they may not come to pass. This is just a way to acknowledge the present day move of God and declare and decree that we desire His will for Rc to come to pass.
I wanted to write down several "messages of Prophecies" we have received recently in order to help establish a guide for prayer and to encourage all believers, not just those who attend @rcauburn that we serve a God who still speaks.
In the Christian New Testament, prophecy is referred to as one of the Spiritual gifts given by the indwelling Holy Spirit. From this, many Christians believe that the gift of prophecy is the supernatural ability to receive and convey a message from God Jesus Christ. The purpose of the message may be to "edify, exhort and comfort" the members of the Church or warn of coming change or danger. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come.In this context, not all prophecies contain predictions about the future. The Apostle Paul also teaches in First Corinthians that prophecy is for the benefit of the whole Church and not just the individual exercising the gift.[1 Cor. 14:22] the task of prophetic (christian) ministry is to nurture, nourish and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the reality we see in the flesh of the dominant culture around us.While a word given does not always make it automatic, but it is Gods way of coming into agreement with men. As in "if u will be faithful to my commands- this will be your reward." Pentecostals believe prophecy and certain other gifts are once again being given to Christians. The Charismatic Movement, which began to move into mainline denominations, also accepts Spiritual gifts like "speaking in tongues" and new forms of prophecy.
Many evangelical churches make room for prophecy, but it is generally accepted that all prophecy should be tested against Scripture to determine if God is truly its Source (since Holy Scripture warns about false Christs who would rise up to deceive many)act 1:8 but you shall receive power after the holy spirit
If you have never seen a prophetic word given in person, I encourage you to go to my youtube page to see and hear the prophecy concerning the birth of our daughter.
Recently while in service with Pastor Darlene Bishop, Judy Jacobs we recieved a few words.
1. Nicoles singing ministry would be revived and while she may have seemed forgotten about and no longer using that ministry as much outside of rcauburn it would be brought back.
2. Restoration church would find favor with people of influence who would financially invest the Kingdom. It seemed as though its people that are not presently attending rcauburn and when they first attend they may be stand offish or skeptical but would be moved by the move of the Holy Spirit, their heart and life changed and would be generous in helping us reach a new level of fullfilling Gods call and vision for Rc to help the hurting, encourage families, strengthen marriages, invest in other churchplants and missions.
3. Was a word to encourage us to step out in faith and whatever we are believing for (the desire to see our church grow, reach more people, obtain a new building) that He would be our bottom.( He has got our backside,lol.) That we would not fail.
4. I received a 2nd conformation of a word given before we started Rc that the ministry would be known for physical healings taking place.
5. Lastly, we received a word (before we started the church) that revival would come to Rc much like "a bag of popcorn" by a minister in South Carolina. That although it has a time before anything happens, we would start to see a few miracles happen and in a short burst we would experience an explosion of miracles.
This is only to brag on the goodnes of God, not man.It is in no way intended to elevate Rc as special. All churches have a destiny and God desires to move in all churches. Many times the leadership of a church knows about certain words given concerning the future of the church, but we keep them to ourselves out of embarresment or fear that they may not come to pass. This is just a way to acknowledge the present day move of God and declare and decree that we desire His will for Rc to come to pass.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Does the American Church have a labor union mentality?
Every church wants to be used by God, we want to be part of his work on earth, we want to be His hand extended. We want our churches to grow and experience revival among our cities. Yet we want it on our terms. We want God to bless us in familiar ways that are comfortable, in our comfort and gifting zone, no risk, so we can feel in complete control. We certainly don't want God to come in a way we don't understand or anyway that may embarrasses us. We also want maximum reward for the minimum effort. We want earth shaking revival but we are only willing to pray when its convenient and certainly don't ask us to fast ( isn't that only for spiritual fanatics). We only want to stay in service for no more than 75 minutes and Sunday nights and anything on a weeknight is out of the question( you know we have a social life to maintain and kids to turn into local sports heroes). We don't mind working for a few years but we want to continue to reap the benefits up to 30 years after our last serving the community outreach. We also want to be the only church in our area that gets to be used by God. Once in contract no other ministries or church plants are allowed in "our territory". Certainly God would never use another denomination than ours because we have a long history on being in charge.
o.k. no one is really foolish enough to admit this in public or out loud but we just rehearse it over in our mind. Can we really wonder why so few churches have any power in the name of the Lord?
o.k. no one is really foolish enough to admit this in public or out loud but we just rehearse it over in our mind. Can we really wonder why so few churches have any power in the name of the Lord?
money and churches
We at Restoration church are extremely blessed even though we are only 3 years old. It may be due to me being a frugile leader but mostly due to the geneoristy and spiritual maturity of our people. We started with nothing, no money and have never had any outside support from any denomination or church. Actually we started out of Nicoles and I's savings account and bought supplies, sound and ( my dad paid the church first month rent). 3 years later, we have a building which we remodeled (nearly $50k paid in cash) and God has blessed us so much more than we could have ever expected. All this during a recession while most churches are struggling.
USA Today: For 1st time since recession churches report drop in giving.
If you read this morning's USA Today, you saw our research on the front page-- the recession has caught up with America's churches. We released a story here and you can find the full details here.
Although the National Bureau of Economic Research has determined that the recession is over, a new LifeWay Research study is showing that after a moderate impact for two years, the recession is now significantly impacting local churches with 79% reporting the economy is hurting their ministries.
Scott McConnell explained, "Because many members give in direct proportion to their income, Protestant churches may be more impacted by unemployment and Social Security than the stock market. Until unemployment turns around, Protestant churches may continue to struggle financially."
But the report also revealed encouraging developments as well. Forty-nine percent of the churches surveyed reported that volunteering in the community has increased in the past year in comparison to previous years, and 47 percent of churches are spending more money to help the needy.(lifeway research)
Some of the most asked questions that I hear from pastors are asked around the subjects of budgeting, margin, saving, and when and how to make large purchases. (buildings, staff, etc.) I have to say that while studying the Bible this morning I was convicted on some of the teachings that I read concerning margin, saving, borrowing, and yes even co-signing or being a guarantor for others. My tendency at times when I read convicting scriptures is to pass it off as just a different time or to think that those principles just don’t work in today’s culture. So I want to share what God’s word has to say about these things and pray that you will allow God to speak to you through them. And yes, these apply to CHURCHES and PERSONAL FINANCES.
1.) SAVINGS and MARGIN – Proverbs 21:20 says “Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man’s dwelling but a foolish man devours it.” likewise 1 Corinthians 16:2 says “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.” These verses are as clear as you can get. God’s word tells us to set aside money for saving and to create margin in our budget! I am amazed at pastors that have a “spend it all” mentality and call it faith.
2. Plan Before you Spend - One of the biggest questions on the minds of church planting pastors is this. “When should we build or buy?” Can you believe that the answer to that question is found in scripture? Contrary to Hollywood, build it and they will come, is not a wise mentality. Debt can handcuff you and your church. I’ve seen it happen.
Proverbs 24:27 says “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, after that build your house.”
Luke 14:28-30 I must say that the overall context of this passage is about the “cost of discipleship” but the example that Jesus gave is insightful into Jesus’ perspective on spending. “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, “this man began to build and was not able to finish” WOW! I have personally seen churches who have done this very thing, began and couldn’t finish!
3.) Debt – Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” Romans 13:8 “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law” Don’t get mad at me, I’m just telling you what it says!
Also read Proverbs 22:26-27 and Proverbs 6:1-5 concerning putting up personal property as security for debt (If you are a pastor considering this, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST) and being a guarantor or co-signer.
USA Today: For 1st time since recession churches report drop in giving.
If you read this morning's USA Today, you saw our research on the front page-- the recession has caught up with America's churches. We released a story here and you can find the full details here.
Although the National Bureau of Economic Research has determined that the recession is over, a new LifeWay Research study is showing that after a moderate impact for two years, the recession is now significantly impacting local churches with 79% reporting the economy is hurting their ministries.
Scott McConnell explained, "Because many members give in direct proportion to their income, Protestant churches may be more impacted by unemployment and Social Security than the stock market. Until unemployment turns around, Protestant churches may continue to struggle financially."
But the report also revealed encouraging developments as well. Forty-nine percent of the churches surveyed reported that volunteering in the community has increased in the past year in comparison to previous years, and 47 percent of churches are spending more money to help the needy.(lifeway research)
Some of the most asked questions that I hear from pastors are asked around the subjects of budgeting, margin, saving, and when and how to make large purchases. (buildings, staff, etc.) I have to say that while studying the Bible this morning I was convicted on some of the teachings that I read concerning margin, saving, borrowing, and yes even co-signing or being a guarantor for others. My tendency at times when I read convicting scriptures is to pass it off as just a different time or to think that those principles just don’t work in today’s culture. So I want to share what God’s word has to say about these things and pray that you will allow God to speak to you through them. And yes, these apply to CHURCHES and PERSONAL FINANCES.
1.) SAVINGS and MARGIN – Proverbs 21:20 says “Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man’s dwelling but a foolish man devours it.” likewise 1 Corinthians 16:2 says “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.” These verses are as clear as you can get. God’s word tells us to set aside money for saving and to create margin in our budget! I am amazed at pastors that have a “spend it all” mentality and call it faith.
2. Plan Before you Spend - One of the biggest questions on the minds of church planting pastors is this. “When should we build or buy?” Can you believe that the answer to that question is found in scripture? Contrary to Hollywood, build it and they will come, is not a wise mentality. Debt can handcuff you and your church. I’ve seen it happen.
Proverbs 24:27 says “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, after that build your house.”
Luke 14:28-30 I must say that the overall context of this passage is about the “cost of discipleship” but the example that Jesus gave is insightful into Jesus’ perspective on spending. “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, “this man began to build and was not able to finish” WOW! I have personally seen churches who have done this very thing, began and couldn’t finish!
3.) Debt – Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” Romans 13:8 “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law” Don’t get mad at me, I’m just telling you what it says!
Also read Proverbs 22:26-27 and Proverbs 6:1-5 concerning putting up personal property as security for debt (If you are a pastor considering this, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST) and being a guarantor or co-signer.
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.what is faith? simply believing what God has said in his word. we have problems believing for big things. because we have little faith. how do increase your faith? faith is like an ability, which grows through experience, practice, commitment and sacrifice. like building muscles. it grows when we survive victories and defeats. its not like the flu, but i do think being around faith filled people it will give you hope.
when you need faith to trust God for big things, fasting is a great way to develop it.
when you fast and pray , you should expect miracles to follow.
9 practical results for people who fast
Isaiah 58:6-8 (New King James Version)
6 “ Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own flesh?
8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Here are 9 different fast by 9 different people for 9 different reasons that produced 9 different results loose the bonds of wickedness- was the disciples fast to break addiction and sins.
2 to undo the heavy burdens- was the Ezra fast to solve problems.
3. to let the oppressed go free- was the Samuel fast for evangelism and revival.
4. to break every yoke- was the Elijah fast to break discouragement and burnout.
5. to share your bread with the hungry- was the Widow's fast to supply physical treatment and financial health for the poor.
6. your light shall break forth- was the Paul fast for insight and decision making.
7. your healing shall spring forth speedily- was the Daniel fast for health and healing.
8. your righteousness shall go before you- was the John the Baptist fast for influence and testimony.
9. the glory of the lord shall be your rear guard- was the Ester fast for spiritual warfare and protection.
when you need faith to trust God for big things, fasting is a great way to develop it.
when you fast and pray , you should expect miracles to follow.
9 practical results for people who fast
Isaiah 58:6-8 (New King James Version)
6 “ Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own flesh?
8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Here are 9 different fast by 9 different people for 9 different reasons that produced 9 different results loose the bonds of wickedness- was the disciples fast to break addiction and sins.
2 to undo the heavy burdens- was the Ezra fast to solve problems.
3. to let the oppressed go free- was the Samuel fast for evangelism and revival.
4. to break every yoke- was the Elijah fast to break discouragement and burnout.
5. to share your bread with the hungry- was the Widow's fast to supply physical treatment and financial health for the poor.
6. your light shall break forth- was the Paul fast for insight and decision making.
7. your healing shall spring forth speedily- was the Daniel fast for health and healing.
8. your righteousness shall go before you- was the John the Baptist fast for influence and testimony.
9. the glory of the lord shall be your rear guard- was the Ester fast for spiritual warfare and protection.
is the gym full of hypocrites?
I have gone to the same gym for 3 years with much the same people/ I've noticed 80% have stayed the same, 10% have gotten better in shape, 10% have gotten oddly more out of shape ( even though they have still been trying and faithful to show up). I've ever seen some of these fitness nuts out at a local rest. stuffing their face.Yet i have never heard anyone say that the local gym is full of hypocrites. They desire and pursue one thing and at other times openly struggle making decisions that support the wishes and work they put in.
Isn't the same with church? most faithful attenders stay the same, a few change for the better, and oddly some can even grow further away from God and make worst decisions. (even though they show up) funny thing is we never accuse a gym of being full of hypocrites because we saw some of them buffeting at cicis. We know and realize that at the gym people get out of it what they put in to it. Same at church. When we come to a point in which when realize we need to have a healthy spiritual change. We give our best effort , try to make some lifestyle changes and realize that the 2 hours a week we spend at church can not void out the other 24times 7 hours we may spend pleasing our flesh. It is easier to cut out 500 calories from your daily diet than trying to exercise 500 calories off every day. I mean who of us really goes to the gym on Saturday or Sunday. Most of us are only Monday at 5:30 type of gym goers anyway.Yet We never avoid a certain gym because we know 1 hypocrite that goes there. Yet the devil will us that to keep us from church for long periods of time.
My heart is for anyone that has been hurt or disappointed by church is that instead of distancing from the church my prayer is that they one day will give church another chance. My prayer is that restoration could one day be used as the last church people try before they give up on god and his church.
Isn't the same with church? most faithful attenders stay the same, a few change for the better, and oddly some can even grow further away from God and make worst decisions. (even though they show up) funny thing is we never accuse a gym of being full of hypocrites because we saw some of them buffeting at cicis. We know and realize that at the gym people get out of it what they put in to it. Same at church. When we come to a point in which when realize we need to have a healthy spiritual change. We give our best effort , try to make some lifestyle changes and realize that the 2 hours a week we spend at church can not void out the other 24times 7 hours we may spend pleasing our flesh. It is easier to cut out 500 calories from your daily diet than trying to exercise 500 calories off every day. I mean who of us really goes to the gym on Saturday or Sunday. Most of us are only Monday at 5:30 type of gym goers anyway.Yet We never avoid a certain gym because we know 1 hypocrite that goes there. Yet the devil will us that to keep us from church for long periods of time.
My heart is for anyone that has been hurt or disappointed by church is that instead of distancing from the church my prayer is that they one day will give church another chance. My prayer is that restoration could one day be used as the last church people try before they give up on god and his church.
when churches hurt
Thinking about so many in our community who have been hurt by churches… Though we’re all imperfect & mistakes are made, I’ve heard a whole lot of people make the statement, “I used to go to that church, but they hurt me so I left.”
Without getting into semantics, I think it’s huge to realize when someone says, I was hurt by that church, what they are actually saying is one of a few things:
That didn’t go exactly the way I thought it should; I’m hurt.
My expectations/needs were definitely not met there; I’m hurt.
This person was not appreciative of my work; I’m hurt.
I am overworked and feel burnt out; I’m hurt.
These things usually end up resulting in someone leaving their church.
I think that’s sad.
Here’s why:
It means we aren’t healthy and secure enough to have continual open dialogue about expectations and feelings.
And when we are, and the dialogue doesn’t go the way we thought it should, we still leave, and that may be healthy or it may not.
It’s healthy if, we placed our personal agenda aside and could seek after what is best for the entire church.
It is NOT healthy, if we leave upset because our personal goals or desires aren’t met.
Either way, if we leave, headed out on our own thinking that we can do it better all alone; we’ve missed the boat.
The key is understanding that churches don’t hurt people,
People hurt people.
Funny thing is that we never say the gym hurt me. The bar, restaurant, the movie theatre, the skate center( well maybe i have heard that one). While people can have a misunderstand at their job,school and anywhere they do life, it is nowhere else that the Devil has concentrated his power of offense. If the Devil can get you offended at church by the pastor,staff or even another attender He knows he has baited you into His trap.If we could only see it as what it is, a trap. It takes a higher level of maturity to be aware of this and be on the look out. We must come to a conclusion to make a commitment to not be offended, but look to be a blessing to others.
O.K. i do support the idea that if Bob has a same problem with 20 people that have a similar experience with bob. The problem could most definitely be BOB. And yes there are a few BOB churches in every circle. Mark Jenkins Adapted from original article from my friend
Without getting into semantics, I think it’s huge to realize when someone says, I was hurt by that church, what they are actually saying is one of a few things:
That didn’t go exactly the way I thought it should; I’m hurt.
My expectations/needs were definitely not met there; I’m hurt.
This person was not appreciative of my work; I’m hurt.
I am overworked and feel burnt out; I’m hurt.
These things usually end up resulting in someone leaving their church.
I think that’s sad.
Here’s why:
It means we aren’t healthy and secure enough to have continual open dialogue about expectations and feelings.
And when we are, and the dialogue doesn’t go the way we thought it should, we still leave, and that may be healthy or it may not.
It’s healthy if, we placed our personal agenda aside and could seek after what is best for the entire church.
It is NOT healthy, if we leave upset because our personal goals or desires aren’t met.
Either way, if we leave, headed out on our own thinking that we can do it better all alone; we’ve missed the boat.
The key is understanding that churches don’t hurt people,
People hurt people.
Funny thing is that we never say the gym hurt me. The bar, restaurant, the movie theatre, the skate center( well maybe i have heard that one). While people can have a misunderstand at their job,school and anywhere they do life, it is nowhere else that the Devil has concentrated his power of offense. If the Devil can get you offended at church by the pastor,staff or even another attender He knows he has baited you into His trap.If we could only see it as what it is, a trap. It takes a higher level of maturity to be aware of this and be on the look out. We must come to a conclusion to make a commitment to not be offended, but look to be a blessing to others.
O.K. i do support the idea that if Bob has a same problem with 20 people that have a similar experience with bob. The problem could most definitely be BOB. And yes there are a few BOB churches in every circle. Mark Jenkins Adapted from original article from my friend
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Six reasons people aren't visiting your church: by @heretolead
Most churches want to reach people, spread the Gospel, and to grow. While God causes the church to grow, He utilizes His people to facilitate and propel that growth. So why is it that new people aren’t showing up to your church like you hope and pray. Here’s six reasons:
Your church isn’t for them. I know you think everyone is welcome at your church, but your service, environment and people communicate otherwise. Saying that you’re welcoming doesn’t mean that you’re welcoming.
You don’t expect guests. You’re greeters and ushers are helpful to who is there, but they are not prepped and on the look out for new people. You’re not ready to receive guests, because deep down inside, you don’t expect them.
You don’t acknowledge guests. When new people show up, they aren’t welcomed. In your preaching, you reference Bible stories assuming everyone knows what you are talking about. In discussing church business, you act like new people aren’t in the room.
You don’t advertise. There’s a reason that Coca-Cola and McDonalds advertise – even they have billions of customers. There are strategic things you can do to get new people to come to church, but you’re not doing that.
They haven’t been invited. Personal invitations are the #1 way new people end up at church, but you’re not challenging (or equipping!) your people to invite.
You’re not talking about what they care about. You’re talking about Bible stuff, church stuff, and Christian stuff, not the things that people struggle with in their daily lives. Maybe you’ve let the fear “watering down the Gospel” keep you from talking practically.
Your church isn’t for them. I know you think everyone is welcome at your church, but your service, environment and people communicate otherwise. Saying that you’re welcoming doesn’t mean that you’re welcoming.
You don’t expect guests. You’re greeters and ushers are helpful to who is there, but they are not prepped and on the look out for new people. You’re not ready to receive guests, because deep down inside, you don’t expect them.
You don’t acknowledge guests. When new people show up, they aren’t welcomed. In your preaching, you reference Bible stories assuming everyone knows what you are talking about. In discussing church business, you act like new people aren’t in the room.
You don’t advertise. There’s a reason that Coca-Cola and McDonalds advertise – even they have billions of customers. There are strategic things you can do to get new people to come to church, but you’re not doing that.
They haven’t been invited. Personal invitations are the #1 way new people end up at church, but you’re not challenging (or equipping!) your people to invite.
You’re not talking about what they care about. You’re talking about Bible stuff, church stuff, and Christian stuff, not the things that people struggle with in their daily lives. Maybe you’ve let the fear “watering down the Gospel” keep you from talking practically.
Here are few things others are saying about Restoration Church:
Donna Ward-Pastor Mark, wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed service yesterday. You and our Praise Team showed out. We love you and are so proud to have you as our Pastor.
Stephanie W. Treadwell- your word this morning=awesome!
Krislyn Harbin-Awesome sermon today just what we needed to hear from the starting movie clip to the ending. Thanks for letting God use you to minister to his people.
Paula Cox Sykes
Excited about the Financial Peace University Series with Dave Ramsey tonight at Restoration Church Auburn :) !
Amy Andrews Thomas- the Shepard's flock doesn't grow unless he is obedient. I am SO blessed by your obedience it makes me want to run and tell about the presence that everyone at Restoration ushers in! I love Restoration but even more so the committed obedient staff that are there for the purpose of the hurt and broken.... not for their own! MUCH LOVE! The Thomas'
Debbie Moreland
Pastor Mark today when you were given the Lords word with such passion the presence of the Lord was awesome. I am so excited and encouraged that we are a part of the move of what God is doing. THANK YOU for your faithfulness to our Lord and His sheep. YOU ARE A BLESSING
Rita Smith Still reflecting on the "awesome" service Sunday! There is so much more to many miracles to many testimonies to hear of how the Holy Spirit moved and changed each and every single one of us for "his" Glory! can feel it with every service...anticipating a great move of God!
Stephanie W. Treadwell- your word this morning=awesome!
Krislyn Harbin-Awesome sermon today just what we needed to hear from the starting movie clip to the ending. Thanks for letting God use you to minister to his people.
Paula Cox Sykes
Excited about the Financial Peace University Series with Dave Ramsey tonight at Restoration Church Auburn :) !
Amy Andrews Thomas- the Shepard's flock doesn't grow unless he is obedient. I am SO blessed by your obedience it makes me want to run and tell about the presence that everyone at Restoration ushers in! I love Restoration but even more so the committed obedient staff that are there for the purpose of the hurt and broken.... not for their own! MUCH LOVE! The Thomas'
Debbie Moreland
Pastor Mark today when you were given the Lords word with such passion the presence of the Lord was awesome. I am so excited and encouraged that we are a part of the move of what God is doing. THANK YOU for your faithfulness to our Lord and His sheep. YOU ARE A BLESSING
Rita Smith Still reflecting on the "awesome" service Sunday! There is so much more to many miracles to many testimonies to hear of how the Holy Spirit moved and changed each and every single one of us for "his" Glory! can feel it with every service...anticipating a great move of God!
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